The (Belated) 2007 Awards

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Friday, February 22nd – Don those tuxedos, fill those champagne flutes, and gobble down a platter of mushroom tikka vol-au-vents. Ladies and Gentlemen, be upstanding please… for the (Belated) 2007 Awards!

It’s that mystical, magical time of year once more!

At least, it was that mystical, magical time of year about a month and a half ago.

I had planned to run this awards article early in January. Unfortunately, thanks to the late late votes cast by some of our writers, a delay in collating and producing was inevitable. No matter, I thought. Once they’re all in, we’re golden.

Thing is, early January saw quite the surge in Awards articles… we had The Sanchez Awards, Rich Hagon Removed From Game Awards, and Zac Hill Year in Review article to name but three. Indeed, the first draft of this article had a “Best 2007 Awards Article Award,” but that was deemed far too meta so I kicked it to the kerb (sorry Rich!). Yup, with a plethora of Award-related pieces, and the beginnings of a mumble in the forums, I decided to bide my time.

Then, of course, real life kicked in. Landlords visiting at inopportune moments, bouts of sickness, internet problems, arguments with significant others… it all adds up, and it all takes its toll on what can be the easiest of things to cut from a packed schedule. Further delays were inevitable.

Last week, I realised the whole saga was dragging on long enough. I had, in the words of Evan Erwin, created the Duke Nukem Forever of articles. So I planned for a Tuesday unveiling.

Scheduling meant Tuesday became Thursday. Which, due to last-minute issues, became today.

So here we are! At the 2007 Awards. Hell, we beat the Oscars, so it’s not all bad.

And there has been a Writer’s Strike… can I blame that? Yeah, that’s it… I was battling for internet residuals.

Anyway, in the words of Marti DeBergi, enough of my yackin’! Whaddaya say? Let’s boogie!

Most Promising Newcomer

We start this year with an award that, quite frankly, has little competition. While columns and columnists do rotate, it is not a weekly, or even monthly event. Even so, we are graced with new names every now and then… and this award recognises that fact. So who have we got?

First, there’s those folks that wrote one or two articles and little more. Perhaps the most impacting of these writers in 2007 was Sam Stoddard. His Creating a Fearless Magical Inventory was both well written and well received, and the term itself has now passed into common Magic parlance.

Another fine example of these single-shot authors is Keith St. Jean, known in the forums as the (infamous) CromulantKeith, whose Dredge Primer was a thorough examination of the archetype. Indeed, he positioned himself as the authority on the strategy at the time. Woe betide anyone who dared mention the deck in the forums… Mister Cromulant was ready to stab you if you disagreed with his findings.

When Chris Romeo put down the pen for personal reasons, he left a gap in the Casual Competitive article market that proved hard to fill. Dave Meeson, writer of the Tribal Thriftiness series, stepped into Chris’s clown shoes and attempted to fill them from December 2007 onwards. He’s doing a wonderful job thus far… although I’m sure he’ll be the first to wish Mr Romeo a speedy recovery.

But the winner of this award should come as no surprise. After all, he really does help us get better at Magic: The Gathering.

From his first article on thinking faster, to his thoughts on Cube Drafting, to his excellent Project Hollywood Extended articles, Tom rounded out 2007 with a bang. So far, 2008 has seen him live up to the hype. Here’s hoping he continues.

Winner: Tom LaPille

The Write More Award

There are many reasons for a Magic writer to stop writing.

For a start, there’s the question of inclination. The muse can be flighty, and subject matter can slip through our fingers like bathtime soap. Then there’s distraction — poker, World of Warcraft, school, work, even women. Scheduling can also wreak havoc… there are only so many slots per week, and when columnists fill the majority it leaves naught but a tiny window in which to peddle your wares.

2007 saw the departure of a number of writers. The irrepressible blisterguy, doyenne of the digital, tottered off this time last year to a barrage of general sadness. And in the summer, Richie Hoaen, the Canadian draft maestro, hung up his Drafting With Rich series. His last draft, TPF #35, saw him ousted in the first round by a strong Black/Red deck. At least he picked up a foil Tarmogoyf for his troubles. Jamie Wakefield, king of the dinosaurs, also strode manfully into the Spanish sun, away from the weekly grind of looming deadlines.

We also lost two writers to the despicable Ted Knutson, who is fervently amassing a high-power offshore Magic Colony in order to smash the system in the 2008 PTQs… of course, that was before Wizards nuked the team pro tour, putting a crimp in Mr K’s considerable sails. So now Mark Young and Craig Jones are working deep in Ted’s salt mines. I wish them well, and I pray that Ted keeps them fed and watered.

There’s also the usual shout-out to writers who put pen to parchment on an all-too infrequent basis. Writers like Jeff Cunningham, Billy Moreno, Chad Ellis, Dan Paskins, Geordie Tait, Osyp Lebedowicz, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa. All wonderful wordsmiths to a man. I’d love it if all could write on a regular basis, but there are factors behind every prolongued hiatus. Awards articles past cried long and hard in an attempt to embarrass or cajole these stalwarts back to the task, but that never works. All I can say is… guys, you know where I am. Let’s talk, okay?

However, of the writers who wrote below their station in 2007, there are two I wish to single out. The first?



I won’t dwell on excuses, or proclaim my many woes to the heavens and beg your forgiveness. I simply didn’t write enough in 2007. Not just in Magic, I hasten to add… my fiction projects lay similarly decimated by neglect.

I’m not taking this award myself, naturally. That’s far to gauche for a refined English gentlemen such as myself. And I plan to rectify my lack of articles in 2008, staring this (and next) week. I will, however, give myself an Honorable Mention in this category, if only to spur me on to productivity.

The second writer, and overall winner of this award, is a man I mentioned above. After six and a half years, the inestimable Chris Romeo decided to hang up his boots. It was an enforced retirement due to medical reasons, but nevertheless it came as a shock. My Wednesdays have never been quite the same since.

Thankfully, Chris is on the road to a full recovery. Hopefully he’ll be back in the game soon. As I said above, Dave Meeson is doing a bang-up job… but I miss me some cheesecake.

Oh, and don’t believe the hype. Chris Romeo does not have a moustache. Frankly, I’m appalled. Tricksy Romeo, he lies to us.

Well done Chris, and come back soon.

Honorable Mention: Craig Stevenson

Winner: Chris Romeo

Creativity Award

Creativity is a tricky thing.

I could take the easy route here, and give this award to Mike Flores or Patrick Chapin. After all, Mike spits out decks like a cowboy chewing tobacco, and Patrick is responsible for the Standard deck of Worlds 2007 (amongst other things). But this is an award for more than mere deck creativity… it encompasses creativity in writing, in playing, in everything.

And if you want creativity, you can’t ignore Kyle Sanchez.

Whenever Kyle, a fan of Microsoft Paint and bizarre Magic-themed stories, decides to spill his creative juices to the page, the forums explode. Usually, these forum responses follow the same pattern.

“That article was the best ever!”
“No, that article was the worst ever!”
Kyle Sanchez is the best writer on the site!!!”
“Why is Kyle Sanchez premium? Why am I paying for this?!”

Plaudits and brickbats, in equal measure.

That’s the thing with creativity… what you or I may love, the next reader will despise. I’ll let you in on a little secret — In the past, I’ve edited and published articles that I’ve downright disliked. Why? Because I knew they’d be popular articles despite my views. One man’s fish is another man’s poisson, after all. Writers like Kyle, like Rizzo, like Jamie Wakefield… they all have loyal a loyal fanbase, they all write popular articles… and they all weather naysayers in the forums. And that’s how it’ll always be, as long as people hold different opinions on the subject of quality.

Two particularly creative Sanchez efforts are Tickle Me Teeg – in which Kyle portrays everyone’s favorite Kithkin Advisor Gaddock Teeg as a frisky psychopath bent on harvesting kidneys for fun and profit — andThe Sanchez Guide to Cheating – in which Kyle plays devil’s advocate and presents his anti-cheating stance from the “mouth” of a self-proclaimed cheating maestro. Fun, illuminating stuff.

However, Kyle is not going to get this award, no matter how many pictures he draws or stories he spins. This year, the Creativity Award goes to Abe Sargent, for his excellent article The Magic Role-Playing Game.

Abe, king of the casual formats, has spent countless hours designing a playable, fun, and exciting role-playing system based on Magic the Gathering. His articles on the subject remain some of the most popular he’s ever written, and the sheer level of work, creativity, and yes, insanity required to undertake such an endeavor cannot be overlooked.

Honorable Mention: Kyle Sanchez

Winner: The Magic Role-Playing Game, by Abe Sargent

The Award for Best Free-Side Article

At first, I was unsure if this awards category was strictly necessary. After all, an article is an article is an article… Premium or Free-Side, quality is classless.

However, on reflection I feel it’s worth mentioning some of those articles that may have flown under the pro- and tournament-centric radars by which some of our readers are guided.

The Magic Role-Playing Game, by Abe Sargent
As I mentioned above, this is a fantastically creative article in which Abe pulls out all the stops. If your playgroup is stagnating, and you’re looking for something a little different, then The Magic Role-Playing Game does not disappoint. I myself have not played it (I’m not crazy!), but those that have are vocal in their praises.

Designing Decks, by Josh Silvestri
Josh Silvestri is one of our most popular Free-Side writers, who encompasses a plethora of tournament Constructed formats from Vintage to Block Constructed. Designing Decks, a superb look at the nuts and bolts of building from the ground up, is a refreshing article that attempts to teach us how to fish, rather than presenting us with a meal.

Reading Your Lorwyn Spoiler, by Rich Hagon
Spoilers, it seems, are a necessary evil these days. However, the art of processing the information contained within such a document can be daunting for both beginners and expert players alike. Spotting those hard-to-read Limited powerhouse commons before the prerelease can spell the difference between winning and losing, and Rich’s excellent primer shows us how to break down the prospective cards for fun and profit!

There were more, of course, excellent articles that I’ve overlooked through necessity. Ben Bleiweiss “Five Ways to Fix Green,” for example, or Peter Jahn entertaining “Ultimate Extended Tournament” series. If I had unlimited time and space, I could name hundreds.

Before I step into the winner’s circle, however, I must mention Evan Erwin “The Magic Show.”

I decided to give Evan an Honorable Mention in this category. Why? Because while his work does belong here, it doesn’t belong here. His articles are fun, incisive, brilliant, and insanely popular. But I can’t, in good conscience, place them in this, or any other straight-fight article award category. Comparing The Magic Show to other weekly articles is like comparing a steak dinner to a plate of oranges. The steak dinner is wonderful, filling, and satisfies your hunger, probably moreso than the oranges… but a steak dinner ain’t gonna win the Best Fruit award.

So, while Evan’s Invitational and Valencia coverage was flat-out superb, it doesn’t take the statue.

The winner?

The Ballistics of Magic Bullets and Glass Cannons, by Sean McKeown.

This article, building on Mike Flores excellent (but at times confusing) Vector analogies, breathes considerable life into well-thumbed theories in order to make them live anew. As is usual with Sean’s work, the article is literally packed. When you read Sean McKeown, you know you’ve read something weighty. This article garnered numerous forum posts of praise… and one poster who took Sean to task for his love of Nickleback. Ah well, at least it wasn’t Sarah McLachlan for once. Congratulations Sean!

Honorable Mention: Every edition of The Magic Show.

Winner: The Ballistics of Magic Bullets and Glass Cannons, by Sean McKeown

The Best Thing In Magic 2007

Now this… this is a category!

The “best thing” in Magic in 2007? How the hell can you quantify that?! I expected one hundred different answers from one hundred different emails. Strangely, when the votes came in, the result was largely unanimous. But before I get to the consensual “Best Thing In Magic 2007,” here are some of the also-rans:

Believe me, I’m not to blame for voting this Green abortion of a creature to the show. Tarmogoyf, the best thing in the Magic year? Never! Still, he proved popular with a number of voters, probably because they’ve shelled out over $300 for four paper and four digital monsters. And I’m one of those poor saps. Tarmogoyf indeed. Some people are insane.

Drafting With Kenji
When Rich toddled off to the draft pod in the sky (metaphorically! He’s not dead!), we looked long and hard for a replacement. We found one, of course — it’s a popular series, well liked by writers as well as readers. Kenji Tsumura, one of the true superstars in Magic, picked up where Rich left off. His drafts were excellent, and his coverage of the picks and matches was insightful. Sadly, after only eight editions, he decided that Constructed testing was more important and moved on to projects new. It was fun while it lasted, to be sure… but it didn’t last long enough. C’est la vie.

“Scrubs” at the Invitational
This was a hugely contentious issue at the time… sending Evan Erwin and Stephen Menendian to the most prestigious tournament the game has to offer. However, this picked up enough votes to take second place in this category. Overall, now that the rhetoric and diatribe has faded into memory, I believe their inclusion in the Invitational was wonderful. Not only did Evan produce some exceptional video coverage, but Stephen was in the lead in the early stages! Now that’s cool… he came out with a 6-9 record against the best in the world.

Evan came out with a 3-12. Sux 2 B U, n00b!

Wow… I think I’ve just found my Invitational card:

Sux — 2BU
Counter target spell. That spell’s controller discards a card, sacrifices a creature, and loses 3 life.
Draw a card.

It’s gotta be better than my last idea, a split card called Slap / Tickle.

Cube Drafting
I’ll admit it… this was my personal choice. I’ve recently got my collection into a semblance of a working order, and in celebration I build up a 450-card LaPille-Approved Cube. Believe me, it’s insane fun, even when it’s a simple Winston draft. Happily, other voters shared my love for this popular casual format.

I’ve still not added my Morningtide choices to my Cube. If you’ve any ideas for cool inclusions, chime off in the forums!

Tarmogoyf, Invi Scrubs, Kenji Drafts, The Cube… all fantastic innovations. However, this category had a runaway winner, and it was perhaps the most “innovative” of all…

Winner: The Chapin versus Nassif Semifinal at Worlds.

That’s right, folks. The most memorable match in many a year (calm yourself, Mr Jones) is officially the SCG-Endorsed Best Thing In Magic 2007! For those that missed out, here’s what the fuss is all about.

Two masters. Two friends, teammates. Two colleagues, playing almost identical, breakout decks. Two guys, pulling out all the stops. Banter, rivalry, thrills, spills, and upsets. And a mulligan to four.

Gab and Patrick went down in Magic history for this. And they got paid for it. Sickening.

Article of the Year

With Ask the Judge and Drafting With Tiago, we publish around seven articles per day, five days per week. For those of us that are mathematically challenged, that’s around 35 articles per week, coming to around 1820 per year.

And you want me to name one of them?! Sheesh.

There have been many contenders for Article of the Year. The great and good of have cast their votes, and the following articles all receive honorable mentions:

The Great Divide, or Why Gabe Walls Is Good For You, by Zac Hill
Ah, how very topical. This Zac Hill article underlines the thinking behind why the casual crowd, a.k.a. the Kitchen Table Players, need the Pros in order for Magic to survive and thrive. It eloquently established the important functions played by the pros and the pro community, from that of advertising revenue to assisting in the removal of the unfortunate “nerdcore” social stigmata that can be associated with our wonderful hobby.

Overcoming the 4-1 Dogma in Numbers, by Adrian Sullivan
Adrian Sullivan has been producing quality Magic articles for years. Deck tech, rogue builds, deep theory… the man has it all. So it should come as no surprise to see a Sullivan epic on the shortlist to greatness. This article, aside from helping shape an argument and provoking fierce debate, is notable in that is questions some of the fundamental so-called “truths” that concern deck designers and theorists the world over. It spawned masses of internet argument, and a fair few rebuttal articles too. Highly recommended.

My Worlds, by Zvi Mowshowitz
There’s only one Zvi. This is Zvi, at Worlds. The Zvi Comeback Special. Really, is there anything more that need saying?

The View From Valencia: Demystifying the Pro Tour, by Stephen Menendian
Stephen Menendian is a particularly thorough writer, especially when it comes to Vintage game walkthroughs. His articles can dissect gameplay situations like no other, often spending pages over a single first-turn play. So this colorful piece comes as a refreshing change of pace. He discusses his first Pro Tour with a Vintage eye, and examines his chances and deck choice going in.

Five Unforgettable Matches, by Tiago Chan
While the highlight of Tiago’s season is undoubtedly his Invitational triumph, the highlight of Tiago’s writing year is harder to pinpoint — he brings us excellent stuff, week in and week out. However, Five Unforgettable Matches is something special. Tiago looks back at his chequered career, pinpointing five matches that helped shaped his outlook on the game, making him the person — and player — he is today.

The Sanchez Guide To Cheating, by Kyle Sanchez
I mentioned this article above. Kyle, in the persona of an uber-cheat, shows us ways that unscrupulous opponents may twist reality to their advantage. Some of the techniques here are rather ingenious, though all of them are 100% dodgy as hell. Be prepared, and learn the moves! Wise words from the stripper-stalking doodler.

The Dynamics of a Draft Pick, by Nick Eisel
A lot of Nick Eisel work is extremely specific, and thus hard to judge for Article of the Year. Sure, his guide to U/B Faerie Drafting in triple Lorwyn might be excellent and lead you to many more match wins… but the very nature of his craft means it’s not exactly Who’s The Beatdown. Strictly theoretical Limited articles are more nebulous in approach… and that’s why the concrete advice in The Dynamics of a Draft Pick are invaluable. Nick breaks down the reasoning behind how cards rank in specific draft situations, showing us the mindset of an expert Limited player. Unmissable.

What’s The Beatdown, by Dan Paskins
Dan Paskins plays, and writes, Red. The color, all puns aside, is in his blood. So it should come as no surprise that his greatest Feature Article this year is a companion piece for possibly the most famous Magic article in existence, Mike Flores Who’s The Beatdown. Dan puts forth that aggressive strategies need to establish the role they play in the match, over and above the “aggro or control” monikers. He suggests degrees of aggression, clear and forthright plans of attack, each different, that must be addressed in order to succeed. As a fellow lover of the Little Red Men, Dan’s words have added poignancy. If you’ve never read Paskins before, do yourself a massive favor and start right here.

Runner Up: How to Win a PTQ, by Mike Flores

No list for Article of the Year can be complete without an appearance from Mike Flores. The man shapes metagames like no other, and is a must-read writer every Friday without question. However, it seems that the final hurdle in this category will elude him this year. Of course, runner up is nothing to be sneezed at, unless you’re Tom LaPille.

Mike’s How To Win A PTQ is a fantastic investigation into the thought processes behind doing your very best in order to succeed. Article theory such as this has been championed by other writers since — namely Tom LaPille and, more recently, Sean McKeown — but mike eloquence and clarity of thought make this particular piece something special.

Because Mike is so prolific, it is often difficult to highlight a particular piece for praise. Other articles also stand out this year — the whole SWOT analysis of Extended was pretty incredible — but the voters have spoken, and How To Win A PTQ is officially Mike’s best this year.

Only one article received more votes… and it was an article about one single game.

Winner: One Game, by Richard Feldman

As a writer, Richard Feldman turned the screws this year. Each Wednesday, when I hear that email ding, I hope that it’s a Feldman article. Sure, some of that is because his articles are usually late by then, but mostly it’s because they’re a joy to read. Clear, incisive, and strategically sound. And One Game is no exception.

2007’s Article of the Year considers a single mythical Standard game between Richard, piloting Wafo-Tapa Blue Control, and Rob, slinging Blue/Green Faeries. Richard breaks down his thought patterns in the minutest detail, from the moment he arrives at the match table until the moment the game is over. He shows that even the most incremental of mistakes can compound into game-losing errors, and shows us exactly how we should be thinking if we truly want to elevate our game to the next level.

I remember editing this article. In all seriousness, it took my breath away. Let me tell you, not many articles have done that.

Congratulations to Richard Feldman, writer of 2007’s Article of the Year!

Writer of the Year

And so we round out with the most hotly contested award in the article… the Writer of the Year. Previous winners of this fine accolade have gone on to great things, such as winning Nobel Prizes or winning massive Lottery jackpots. One previous winner even went on to destroy Alderan!

I remember receiving an IM not long after the 2006 Awards went live, from a certain popular writer that shall remain nameless. He was determined to raise his game, to produce exceptional articles week in and week out in order to take the 2007 Writer of the Year award.

Frankly, any one of our writers has the capacity to be voted Writer of the Year. They all deserve great praise for the work submitted in 2007. However, when the final votes were counted, it seems that four writers stood apart from their colleagues. Four writers amassed votes by the bucketload, and elevated themselves above the others.

The writers?

Evan Erwin
Patrick Chapin
Richard Feldman
Mike Flores

What can be said about these guys that hasn’t already been said? In no particular order…

Evan Erwin
Of the final four, it seems that our lone Free-Side writer is not exactly being praised for his writing at all. Evan’s Magic Show has become, for many, the event of the Magic week. Sometimes outspoken, always effusive, frequently funny and insightful , Evan’s dulcet tones cannot help but spread the joy of the game like wildfire. Or even like Wildfire, destroying lands and killing creatures in his path. So he makes the odd mispronunciation… we can forgive him for that!

Throughout the year, Evan’s production values have improved considerably. While this means we’ve lost the iconic “Heeeeeeeeeeello everybody” beginnings, it leads us to wonderful shows from the Invitational and Valencia, excellent interviews with players and Magic personalities, fun deck ideas and spoiler information, impassioned rants on the state of the game… oh, and Kevin, Evan’s jive-ass second head.

Evan constantly strives to push the medium in new and exciting directions, and this weekend he’ll be bringing us live updates from the $5k Standard Open. Come back tomorrow and check it out!

Patrick Chapin
Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin is famed for putting his money where his mouth is. Last year’s rather strange winner of Most Promising Up-And-Comer, Patrick has excelled himself both on and off the field of battle. And each step of the way, we’ve been dragged along for the ride.

He was looking to qualify for Nationals via Regionals. So he shared his uber tech the week before the tournament. In round 1, he faces someone overloaded with anti-Chapin technology. He sees thirteen others playing his deck at the venue.

Doesn’t matter. He wins the tournament.

Later in the year, he rocks out to Worlds, piloting the now-famous Spinerock Knoll / Dragonstorm deck that he designed (with others). Four days later, he’s in the Final.

He tries new things — 66 cards, anyone? He shapes metagames — Next Level Blue is a kicking. He writes for Standard, Block, Extended, Legacy, and Vintage, and commands respect in each field.

Every week, without fail, Patrick delivers a masterpiece. Worlds finalist, dream crusher, deck builder, pro… the man that every wants on their team…

Don’tcha just hate him?

Richard Feldman
I attend a lot of tournaments, over here in good old Blighty. Any time, any place, funds permitting, I’ll be there. Sometimes other players, readers of this fair site, collar me between rounds to tell me what they love or hate about the site. And a lot of the time, they gush about their favorite writer.

The most common name in such situations? Richard Feldman.

As I said while praising him for Article of the Year, Richard set himself a mighty high standard this year. From standout offerings on Tenacious Tron, through The Rules of Engagement and Glass Cannons, moving to the Teachings saga and onto Heartbreaking Punts, One Game, and beyond, the standard has consistently been upheld. Oh, and he’s also a complete breeze to edit.

While a lot of his work, especially lately, has picked up debate in the forums, it is positive debate. Healthy discussion of ideas and theories between the finest minds the game has to offer. While ideas fizz like loose rockets, Feldman stands toe-to-toe and states his case. Having the courage of conviction to back up your ideas is invaluable.

If someone pointed at Richard and asked “IsThatOneGood?” … I’d have to say yes.

Mike Flores
Mike’s grip on this crown has been pretty unassailable for the last few years, although Patrick Chapin ran him perilously close in 2006. The man is a Magic machine. He literally sh**s articles. Two a week, every week, for us here at SCG and for the fine folks over at the Mothership. Add to this the podcast work, the testing sessions, the brainstorming, and the (yeah, I’ll say it) relentless Magical name-dropping, and we have a guy who is dedicated to his craft above and beyond the call.

It seems that, more than any other writer (maybe besides Rizzo and Sanchez), Mike tends to polarize opinion on his work. One only has to visit the forums on any given Friday to see Mike Love and Mike Hate spewed forth in equal measure. Me, I like that Mike has such an effect on folk, as it proves that a) the man has opinions, and b) that these opinions are having an effect.

Mike always has a number of articles in the race for Article of the Year, and, as we’ve seen, he picked up the runner up spot this year with How To Win A PTQ.

All four of the writers above deserve this award. Unfortunately, there can be only one winner. Okay, and there’s a runner up too. Gold and Silver envelopes.

In the silver envelope, placing second in the Writer of the Year category, we have…

Richard Feldman!

In the gold envelope, winning the coveted Writer of the Year award, an empty bottle of Champagne, and a check for no million dollars, we have…

*drumroll please*

The one and only Patrick “The Innovator” Chapin!

Take a bow, Patrick. You deserve it.

Writer of the Year — Summary

Notable Mentions: Mike Flores, Evan Erwin

Runner Up: Richard Feldman

Winner: Patrick Chapin

Reader’s Choice Awards

So, now you know our thoughts on both Article of the Year and Writer of the Year. Congratulations again go to Richard Feldman and Patrick Chapin. However, the awards ceremony is not quite finished yet.

While those intimately involved with the day-to-day of, namely the writers and workers who toil to fill these pages, have cast their votes and made their choices… what of you, the readers? We fill these pages with articles day in, day out… which articles and writers are your favorites?

That’s what the forums are for, folks.

I’m looking for your choices for Article and Writer of the Year. Please make yourselves heard in the forums, and I’ll announce the winners next week. A few rules…

1) Articles are only eligible if first published between 01-01-07 and 12-31-07. Obviously.
2) Only one choice per poster per category, please. And first posts are final.
3) If any writers vote for themselves in either category, they’ll not only be ignored, but they’ll accrue a negative vote for their cheek.

Form an orderly queue, and proclaim your choices to the sky!

That’s your lot for another year, guys. Join me next week for the 2008 Awards!

Actually, I’m not that late. Heh.

Once more, a hearty thank you to every one of our writers of 2007, whether they appeared in this article or not. I’ve been editor now for over two years, and believe me, I still wake up with a huge smile every morning. That’s all down to the folks I work with… and long may it continue.

Good luck to everyone PTQing or GPing this weekend. I’ll be in Leicester, UK, trying my best to get to Hollywood. Next week, I’ll let you know how I did.

Congratulations again to Writer of the Year Patrick Chapin, and the writer of Article of the Year Richard Feldman. Here’s to an exciting 2008!

Until next time…

Thanks for listening.

Craig Stevenson
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