AuthorEvan Erwin

Evan Erwin is a long-time cardboard slinger who lives and breathes collectable cards. Creator of The Magic Show and the Marketing Manager of In the time of chimpanzees, he's a gorilla.

The 2015 SCG Players’ Championship

Last year’s Players’ Championship was great and the 2015 edition will be even better! Evan Erwin explains the new Players’ Championship format and how it improves on the inaugural event!

Grand Prix Miami: 1 Day Out!

The time has come! The latest SCG-hosted Magic beach party is upon us! Learn about all the great ways you can follow the Standard event (and the Dragons of Tarkir spoilers!) this weekend!

Grand Prix Miami: 4 Days Out!

The variety of events taking place at and around Grand Prix Miami is unbelievable! Lots of formats, lots of options, and lots of prizes await you this Friday!

Grand Prix Miami: 7 Days Out!

It’s hard to believe that we’re just one week away from Grand Prix Miami! Today, Evan returns to tell you about the Friday festivities that await you! Don’t stroll in a day late, because the value on Friday is unbelievable!

Grand Prix Miami: 8 Days Out!

The artist lineup at Grand Prix Miami is nothing short of extraordinary! See the incredible people behind the illustrations, paintings, and digital art on your favorite Magic cards!

Grand Prix Miami: 9 Days Out!

Evan Erwin returns with the latest and greatest info on Grand Prix Miami! The amount of free events and prizes is unbelievable! Evan, show them what they’ve won!

Grand Prix Miami: 10 Days Out!

StarCityGames is ready to host another unforgettable blowout event! An incredible format, incredible guests, and an amazing beach location? It doesn’t get any better than this!

Grand Prix New Jersey: 1 Day Out!

The time has come! Get out your cards from across all of Magic’s storied history and let’s battle some serious Legacy! The big day is upon us, and we’d like to wish you all good luck and a great time!

Countdown To Grand Prix New Jersey: 10 Days Out!

Evan Erwin could not be more excited about Grand Prix New Jersey! Join him as he tells you about all the amazing swag you’ll get just by battling one of the greatest formats in Magic!

Grand Prix Orlando Starts Tomorrow!

Evan Erwin stops by to introduce a very special guest for Grand Prix Orlando! If you’ve never had the opportunity to battle with someone who creates Magic for a living, now is your chance! See you there everybody!

Grand Prix Orlando Daily Update–Two days Away!

Evan Erwin has a great crew that helped make Grand Prix Orlando a reality by way of fantasy! Check out some of the behind the scenes work with two of the most important creators behind GP Orlando’s incredible visual concept!

The Magic Show! M15 Set Review: Green

Evan and Brad haven’t forgotten you green mages! Here, they cater to the big dumb creature in all of us with their review of Magic 2015’s green cards!

The Magic Show! M15 Set Review: Red

The Magic Show must go on! Evan and Brad are back for all of your hilarious Magic 2015 reviewing pleasure!

The Magic Show! M15 Set Review: Black

Evan and Brad are back with another edition of The Magic Show’s M15 Set Review! In this installment, they examine the set’s black cards for your viewing pleasure!

The Magic Show! M15 Set Review: Blue

Evan and Brad are back again to talk Magic 2015! This time around, it’s the Blue cards being scrutinized and celebrated!