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A Wasted Opportunity to Salvage White

I couldn’t help but hope that Judgment would make up for that neglect in spades, giving us white cards on par with the black Renaissance in Torment – and man, what a letdown. So what would I have done?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #132: Judging The Judgments On Judgment

Tormented by the odyssey of many players to put set titles in their set review articles, Anthony conducts an invasion in alliance with the legends who live in the stronghold in Urza’s homelands in hopes of averting an exodus, a planeshift, or worst of all, the apocalypse itself. Not your typical tempest in a teacup!

The Real Story Behind Judgment

Wizards has divorced the storyline, making sure the plots of the books and the flavor text on the cards aren’t too interlaced. So what happens when characters start getting flavor text that’s out of character?

Compost My Eye (A Statement, Not A Request)

Why don’t I lose to Compost with my mono-black deck, whose official listing is,”Compost, 1G, Enchantment. Whenever a black card goes to an opponent’s graveyard, ride that player until he or she squeals like a piggy. Squeal, piggy, squeal”? Well, the answer’s all about what Compost does NOT affect in black’s game.

Another Day, Another Set, Another Site

What else can we say? NATE HEISS IS WRITIN’ FOR US! And he starts off with his take on Judgment – if you are looking for something to base a deck around or just want to know the good cards to trade for, let Nate fill ya in.

From The Top To The Bottom: Judgment Green In Odyssey Limited

Genesis would induce your opponent to enter the”vomit step” even if it were the only creature in your deck, as it can bring itself back to your hand during upkeep. That’s the obvious part. But why is Ironshell Beetle overhyped, and what card is underhyped?

Come Into The Garden, Maude

Enter! in welcome, attend!

Come! Make ingress

to my gardens and feel

(full in the chops)

the gusty wind-whips and the hot-throbbing sun-pulses (south-facing).

The Day The Magic Died

A long, long time ago…

I can still remember how that Magic used to make me smile

And I knew if I had my chance

I could write amusing rants

And maybe we’d be happy for a while.