
AuthorTony Boydell

One of StarCityGames.com's oldest writers (though not in terms of age, though perhaps he is), Tony Boydell delights in writing about the strangest bits of Magic play.

Part Two Of One

Another author has already hijacked the ‘silly review’
bandwagon, tied us all up, and left us at the side of the forest road. So onward.

Lounge Act

Gerrard takes his fantastic vaudeville act on the road! Well, perhaps not a fantastic act. We think it’s an act. He’s on stage, anyway.


All you have to do is to provide me with as many answers as possible to the following cryptic clues, and you could win a foil rare!*

Peter Out!

By God, if it was anyone but Tony this would seem like
shameless self-promotion!


And as an extra-special consolation prize to those who wound up on Shawn’s Bottom 10 List, here’s some Boydellian suggestions for making a better site!

Whose Number Two?

Mister Boydell comes from behind to win the tournament! Wait, he doesn’t come from behind… but SOMETHING does…

Dead Words

Kack-handed Introduction: "We began before words, and we will end beyond them. It sometimes seems to me that our days are poisoned with too many words. Words said and not meant. Words said AND meant. Words divorced from feeling. Wounding words. Words that conceal. Words that reduce. Dead words."+ Things have been really busy at…


ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR-FIVE I could regale you with tales of Grand Prix Manchester. Of my woeful experience with mana during the GP itself despite having a reasonable deck (I’m convinced I shuffled my way to bad draws – shiny, smooth sleeves that interweave tastily to clump every damn thing together – ah well) – all of the…

Six S Equals Success

OVERTURE (3-4 Time) The respected and the revered Mr. Dariani (Omeed) wrote a fetching twin-set of articles a (good) while ago discussing how to write Magic articles – actually, I think he was a bit more generic than that, but it’s pointless imparting wisdom about transcribing vegetarian recipes to an audience baying for tech, spoilers,…

Towards More Picturesque Speech

SECTION ONE: A PAIN IN THE GRAVITAS My yielding peaches: It takes but a little effort on one’s own part to elevate any sport or pastime into something more weighty and intellectual — the costumes or uniforms one may wear, the equipment one utilises, the toiletry products one liberally applies and, most important of all:…

Good Times, Bad Times

SFX>: Knock, knock Me (opening door cautiously): Yes? Reader: Mister Boydell? Me (suspiciously): Yes? Reader: Mister ? Me: Yes? Reader (expectantly): I’m here about your latest article? Me (relieved): Oh yes! (laughs) Right! (opens door wider; Tony is in his underwear) I’ll just go get something decent on. (starts walking away, then turns) Want to…