In Case You Missed It… SCG 10/18/10-10/22/10!

Monday, October 25th – Jeff Cunningham’s articles from two weeks ago and the interview with Mark Rosewater set a precedent for Magic writers. We felt the impact last week when inspiration struck on all fronts.

I’m quite excited to see that the Talent Search is underway, the judges have chosen the cream of the crop to display, and this week is going to have tons of interesting material on the free side. Please read and comment on their submissions, since I’m sure they worked really hard on them!

Meanwhile, let’s take a look back at the week before.

I want to highlight some very controversial or unusual articles from last week. Jeff Cunningham articles from two weeks ago and the interview with Mark Rosewater set a precedent for Magic writers. We certainly felt the impact last week when inspiration struck on all fronts, and our writers started submitting some really…


Let’s start with a wonderful (and free) sample from Gavin Verhey, who actually planned on doing something unusual inspired by Mark Rosewater long before the interview was published. It’s called the topical blend, where two totally unrelated topics get mixed together to form one article. See what two topics the readers voted on!

Flow of Ideas — Topical Blend #1: The Day Magic Died.

You just never know with Patrick Chapin. I mean, really, who but a madman can produce this sort of piece? A story woven into a story woven into a story, a surreal slice of the lives of some Magic players, a rivalry taken too far. No Magic writing as such exists elsewhere!

Read Innovations — Ffej, Heezy, and Zvi.

Again on the free side, Thea Steele continues her Art Fight series with the red cards. Mark Rosewater mentioned this series in his interview and said, “More!” And, indeed, the series isn’t over yet!

Read Darksteele Cube — Art Fight: Red.

Planeswalkers. Do we need them? Do we even want them? Are they too complicated? Are they just plain unfun? Matt Sperling thinks so; Matt Sperling doesn’t like planeswalkers at all and thinks Magic’s better off without them. It’s not because they’re expensive; they’re bad for the game and bad from a design perspective.

Read Planeswalkers: Stop Printing Them.

In absolutely the most controversial article SCG may have ever published (maybe, I honestly haven’t read every article on the website, and we’ve had some pretty headstrong writers), Geordie Tait explains why the cost of Magic is bad for the game. The forums are still going, even now, so read this free piece, and chime in if you dare.

Read The Puck Stops Here.


I particularly enjoy Michael Jacob “Fundamental Skills” articles, and this week continues with sideboarding. How do you fit all those slots in? How do you decide what matchups you need help with? Sideboarding is potentially one of the most important yet hard-to-acquire skills in Magic!

Read Jacob’s Ladder — Updating R/U/G Cobra and Sideboarding.

Gerry Thompson has a way with cards and a way with words. He may be responsible for some major price jumps last week on MTGO and paper Magic after he laid down what he considers to be major sleepers in Standard. Ask Jon Medina; I think he made a killing.

Read One Step Ahead — Overrated, Underrated.

Gerard Fabiano, we love you! His latest article is full of amusing stories and bits of advice from someone who knows exactly what it means to “be
real.” In Magic and in life, remember, kids, stay cool.

Read Stay Cool, Be Real.


Jamie Wakefield might be going through a little culture clash in Madrid. We can only hope he adjusts well to his new environment and learns a little more Spanish so that he can properly communicate with the players at the store! Read about his Legacy tournament where he brought along Secret Force. (Free)

Read The Combat Phase — Evolution.

Andy Probasco wrote a really outstanding theory article that can certainly be applied to Magic beyond the Eternal formats, but his examples mostly stem from there, so I’m putting it in that category. To understand why Ancestral Recall can be “terrible,” you should read this article.

City of Brass — When Is a Card Not a Card?


Lots of Limited going on given the Grand Prix format is all about Scars of Mirrodin Sealed and Draft! All the pros want to chime in.

First, Tim Aten returns to us with a weekly Draft series! Hooray! Hopefully we shall enjoy much more of his self-deprecating humor as he puts his Magic skills and writing talents to actual good use… for once. (This is me, poking fun.)

Read Drafting with Tim —
Scars of Mirrodin #1!

Shaheen Soorani actually recorded a video at his local store while doing a draft! He discusses picks, shows us his deck, the cuts, and his overall thoughts on Draft. He also has a few matches to show us. Tell us what you think about the videos in the forums.

Read Live Drafting with Shaheen —
Scars of Mirrodin #1!

Anton’s first Scars of Mirrodin Draft provides much food for thought. Read, draft along, and comment in the forums! If anyone can figure out this crazy format, it’s Anton.

Read Drafting with Anton —
Scars of Mirrodin #1!

Anton Jonsson also did a Sealed Walkthrough. Be sure to read in preparation for the PTQ and GP season.

Scars of Mirrodin Sealed Walkthrough.

Gabriel Nassif did ten Sealed events in three days during the Prerelease, and he learned a lot from his experiences. He provides a lot of insight, so be sure to absorb all the information!

Read The
Scars Ahead.