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Where Have All The Good Times Gone?

Jon Becker only writes once or twice a year, but when he does it always ends up being one of the best articles you read all month or sometimes all year. This article is no different, as our favorite crank covers spiders vs. elves, a dearth of Jay Schneider articles, a superior Ravnica sealed deck, and soliciting for charity in his usual laugh-out-loud style.

Boros and Natasha

Lately my draft results have been showing that the best two decks by far in Ravnica Limited are R/W and U/B. Since I’ve already said my peace about the U/B Mill deck, I figured it was time to discuss the fastest archetype in Ravnica Limited.

The Beautiful Struggle: It’s All Good in Virginia

Before the tournament Saturday, Mark Young was debating between two decks, Critical Kudzu and something rather rogue and not completely tested. His foolish friends convinced him to run the rogue deck and it landed Mark smack dab in the middle of his first Virginia States Top 8. What deck did he play? Why Greater Good Combo, of course!

The Speed Demon’s Complete Failure – GP: Nottingham, the Fluffy Bunny Report

This is it. What I’ve been working towards these last three weeks and wouldn’t you know? I completely wasted all my testing because I failed to realize that the sealed deck format is completely and utterly different from what I thought it was. The reason for this is that all my impressions where gleaned from prerelease style events with three boosters and a tourney pack rather than just two boosters. Sure, I built and played around with some proper sealed decks, but not in a real tournament setting.

SCG Daily – Rude About Food

Just before London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympic games, French president Jacques Chirac was overheard commenting that the English have the worst cuisine in the world as he was leaving a press conference. This supposedly caused outrage among the English and was given partial credit for pushing London’s bid past that of Paris. After all, who wants to hold Olympics in a country once governed by some obnoxious toad who doesn’t like English cuisine?

Wizards’ Most Unfortunate Marketing Error

If you ever want to make a Wizards employee squirm, speak the words “1998 Inquest Tournament Guide” in their presence. “Oh yeah,” they’ll say, looking furtively to one side. “That.” And then they’ll change the subject so quickly your head will spin. The Guide gets passed around sometimes from old-timers to newbies, an unfortunate relic of a time when Magic was only four years old and nobody knew what the heck they were doing.

I found my copy recently. I thought I’d share.

SCG Daily – Being Ted Knutson

So, you want to know what it’s like to run the best Magic site around and do coverage for the Pro Tour? Today, Teddy Card Game takes you way behind the scenes and gives you his opinion of what it’s like to be him.

Gol Gari Yourself

The foreigner name game, Tim’s weekly Top 5, and a complete guide to drafting Black/Green in Ravnica. The Limited master is back and is sure to leave his fans clamoring for more.

From Right Field: The Morning After

The first Ravnica card that I saw that just leapt out at me was Bloodbond March. In fact, I remember it well. I was walking down our hallway – we have this long thin hallway that leads from our foyer to our living room – when aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee there it was! I was so scared. But it was just teasing. Given the fact that the March is Green and Black and Green and Black have all of those Dredge cards, I figured it was golden.

This is for my People – A Grand Prix: Nottingham Report

This will be the best report written about GP: Nottingham. Yes, I do dare to say that. The article you are reading now just has all the good stuff: an epic competitor’s story, the stories of not one, but two DQs at the GP, photos of your Magic heros in compromising situations and even a movie clip of two PT mainstays getting into a fight. [Sorry, no movies. – Knut, not hosting The Battle of the Pro Tour Stars] Oh, and if you read between the lines, you might even pick up a little strategy as well… You get all this, and the tale of a PT purgatory member slugging it out, battling for that elusive Top 32.

An Announcement Regarding Untold Legends Of The Million Dollar Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour

Haven’t seen your favorite weekly series of reminisces lately? Master Cunningham explains why and when you can expect it to be back.

2005 Championship Deck Challenge – Tuned Decks Part II: Pre-Champs Tournament

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
This past weekend, Mike had the rare chance to put his States deck to the test in an actual Ravnica-legal Standard tournament packed with Neutral Ground regulars. In today’s article, Mike discusses what he learned by playing in that tournament, and shares the decklist he’ll be playing in this weekend’s State Championship!

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Grand Theft Magic

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Yesterday, Teddy Card Game promised to write about the deck he was taking to States if the guy who designed the deck gave him permission to do so. That designer is none other than Seth Burn, and Seth has decided to reveal the deck himself! If you are still undecided about what you are playing at Champs, and are looking for the latest in hot tech plus a heavily tested decklist, look no further!

Watching the Clock

Raise your hand if you’ve heard of the Metagame Clock. Anyone? Bueller? The Metagame Clock is what’ll help me get a grip on things. Maybe it’ll help you as well, as some last-minute reading that puts things in perspective.

Magical Hack: Choose, but Choose Wisely

My goal for this week is to weave all of these things together for a look at the States metagame and the choices that are going to be present and inherent in each archetype. I’ll also give a few hints as to how the key contenders match up against each other, and we can go from there into creating an assumed picture of the metagame as well as the suggestions that can come from it as to how to succeed. I like looking at the whole picture and figuring out the so-called “rules of the format”, and that’s something that may be profitable here as well. It may also be highly premature, so we’ll see how firm our conclusions are before taking that particular step.