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Food for Thought: Playing with Bob Maher, Jr.

Dark Confidant (henceforth “Bob”) provides one main function – card drawing. It can also beat, and can hold a Jitte, but card drawing is what it does best. However, that card drawing comes at a price – a significant price if you draw something like Ink-Eyes or Kokusho. I found myself wondering if it was possible to build a winning deck around The Great One and his abilities.

The Top Seven Things To Remember At States

Going to play in Champs this weekend? Josh Silvestri has some important reminders that you should definitely think through before you sit down for round 1 on Saturday.

Food for Thought: Hail Mary! Last Minute States Suggestions

Haven’t found a deck you like for States? Don’t want to be among the countless hordes playing Red/White, Mono-Blue Control, Gifts Ungiven or Black/Green? Then read this article to see Ben’s ramblings about a slew of cards being overlooked in Standard right now. Editor’s Warning: Following any of this advice might be dangerous to your health, sanity and chances of winning!

Ben’s Corner: The 100 Best Selling States Cards!

Wondering what people are going to be playing at States? Ben takes at look at the StarCityGames.com sales database to make some startling predictions! Find which cards have been selling the best from Standard and which are falling behind.

Also in Ben’s Corner: Which new pieces of original Magic artwork has Star City added to its inventory? Hark, do I spy with my eye nifty new Magic carrying bags? Where can I go this weekend to sell my cards to StarCityGames.com in person? The answers to all these questions are just a click away!

SCG Daily: Ravnica Sealed Vivisected, Day Five

The thrilling conclusion! Five builds later, Eli reviews his work and tries to judge which is the best color combination in Ravnica Sealed.

Cock It and Pull It – The 2005 Championships Metagame

Year after year Teddy Card Game has provided the most accurate skinny on exactly what the Championships metagame will look like. He’s at it again this year with updated decklists, metagame percentages, latebreaking rogue options, and delectable cheesecake. This is the most wide-open Standard format in years… if you don’t read this article, you could be missing a crucial piece of information you need to succeed this weekend.

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Introducing The Spanish Inquisition

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Lifegain gets a bad rap. Really, it does. Those of us who started off as casual players remember one of the first things we learned when moving to a competitive scene is that Lifegain Sucks. So what would you say if I told you there was a potentially tier 1 deck for States that attempts to abuse lifegain to kill your opponent?

SCG Daily: Sealed Dissection, Day Four

Another day, another Sealed pool. With than two weeks for Ravnica, are you ready for the Prerelease tournaments? Polish your skills and see how your thoughts stack up to Eli’s. As a bonus to today’s offering you also get an incredibly Japanese Vulturous Zombie combo deck to ponder for States. Wild tech? Yesiree!

Legacy Super Grow, Part III: Tuning the Maindeck and Sideboard

When I sit down to play a game of Magic, nothing delivers the goods like Super Grow. Because the things I enjoy doing the most in this fine game, namely, drawing tons of cards, countering everything thrown at me, and beating my opponent bloody with cheap and arbitrarily large creatures is what 3cThreshold does best.

Four Ravnica Cards, Four Ravnica Decks!

The master of wacky decks arrives once again with some casual decks that abuse the latest cards in fascinating ways! Want an infinite Tolsimir deck? How about a way to abuse Grozoth? Abe provides the goods, starting now!

2005 Championship Deck Challenge – Tuned Decks Part I: Critical Mass Update

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
If you had asked me one week ago, I would have told you that the deck featured in this article was my 100% recommendation for Champs. After this weekend I think the deck I posted last Friday may be the best deck in the format, but this deck is still really good and can easily take home a Top 8 slot.

The Beautiful Struggle: Fun With Weathered Wayfarer

I wanted to bring you some red-hot new tech for States, I really did. I had an idea, and it had synergy, and it served a strategic goal, and it sounded just crazy enough to work. Sadly it didn’t work, at least not in the way I wanted it to. I thought I’d share the idea with you, though, so you can play with it yourself and maybe create a States-winning deck on your own.

SCG Daily: Ravnica Sealed Vivisected, Day Three

Before we examine today’s card pool, let’s take a look at how one of the rules of Limited has shifted.

Fear and Resurrection

“What the hell is that?” You’d be surprised how often those five words have scrolled across my mental marquee in the last few weeks. As a rough estimate, I’d say four thousand. That’s slightly less than the amount of years it feels like I’ve been in the land of the Magic dead.

The Speed Demon of Ravnica Goes Fourth

After my last article, I was criticized in the forums for talking about the guild pairs as basic archetypes of Ravnica Sealed, since actual Sealed decks are almost always three or more colors. And it’s true that the three types of archetypes are all in some way related to the guilds, as not harnessing their power would just be foolish. Let’s take a look at them,. and see how they apply to drafts.