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Jeff Cunningham’s “Untold Legends of the Million Dollar Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour”

Jeff Cunningham is a simple man. When not slinging spells with the best players in the world and tutoring young Canadians in the Ways of the Mage, Jeff herds yaks and water buffalo on his ranch in the Great White North. In spite of these humble roots, Cunningham is one of the finest Magic writers alive and today he makes his debut on, delivering tales and spinning yarns designed to bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye.

Rules of the Red

In case you were previously unaware of it, there are rules to building successful Red decks. With a new Standard season nearly upon us, the esteemed Mr. Paskins has taken it upon himself to enlighten the ignorant and bring joy to fiery mages and goblin cohorts everywhere.

It Would Be Funny If…

Uh oh, someone let Jamie get ahold of a spoiler and he has a *ahem* few opinions about the new cards.

The Beautiful Struggle: Fumbling in the Dark

On Saturday DreamWizards was having a Grand Prix Trial for the Legacy-format GP: Philadelphia. I didn’t really have a deck and I didn’t have any available cards to borrow; fortunately, there was a Standard side event to be held at the same time. I figured lots of local players would be in the same boat as I and that the Standard event would be almost as big as the GPT. I was wrong, but more on that later. First, let’s get to the decklist, which is a completely original creation on my own part…

The Numbers Game

Today tricky Richard Feldman teaches your children to make huge amounts of profit by starting a numbers game at their local high school. Er, wait. Check that. This article is actually all about teaching you to build better Constructed decks. When do you want 2 copies of a card? When do you want 4? At what point should you be slapping one-ofs in your Friday Night Magic deck? Richard explores these questions and comes up with some rather insightful answers.

So Long and Thanks for All the Kami

Just as Ravnica Beta e-mails are showing up in Magic Online inboxes, Nick gets nostalgic takes the world of Kamigawa for one last spin around the block before she retires to second-tier status.

A Topical Potpourri

Keith returns from a sojourn around the nation to cover topics ranging from Chrome Mox vs. Kodama’s Reach in Tooth and Nail and why White Weenie is terrible, before delivering an updated anti-Aggro build of Mono-Blue Control to play at your local FNM.

Cash and Cockroaches in Mexico City

The tale of one small, Spanish speaking kid (and his friends) attending the last Kamigawa Block Constructed Grand Prix ever.

Der Gangsta Rebbe: Talmudic Deckbuilding and Omnisignificance

What do Pyrostatic Pillar, the Talmud, and Omnisignificance have in common? What’s the funny looking thing on Nathan’s head? The answers to these questions and more can be found in the latest edition of Der Gangsta Rebbe.


I’m often reminded of the cinema classic Back to the Future: Part 2. In it Marty McFly gets a sports almanac from the future and is going to use it to accurately predict upcoming sporting events for personal gain. Dr. Emmit Brown – played magnificently by Sir Anthony Hopkins – tells Marty that it is wrong to know the future, and certainly wrong to use it for your personal ends. Well my friends, Dr. Brown was wrong. It is not wrong, and it’s very powerful.

Illusions-Donate in Legacy

One of the best deck designers in Vintage turns his eye toward the burgeoning Legacy format and finds that this largely dismissed combo deck has more game than anyone thought.

Operations Management

“If there is one idiot I will never pity, it’s the guy who complains about manascrew the round after playing while eating french fries.”

The Case for Thirst for Knowledge in Vintage Gifts

Forget Goblin Charbelcher. Once you cast that Yawgmoth’s Will, the rest is incidental. You want to win with Grim Monolith/Power Artifact? Be my guest. There’s one huge reason why the Gifts list that got second at Gen Con Champs is different, nay, better than the more popular “Meandeck Gifts” variant, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Volcanic Island counts as a Mountain.

Magical Hack: Mining the City Rumor Mill

Sean takes a look at the swirling mist of information that’s come out for Ravnica so far and attempts to determine some basic things about the set and how it will play out in Limited. This isn’t your normal premium fare, but it’s pretty interesting food for thought.

Legacy Prep: In the Land of Milk and Honey

When writing my last article, I touched upon Drop of Honey in a Legacy sideboard. After playing with it for a while, I’ve come to appreciate how much awesome sauce can be packed in to one card. Therefore I decided to see what can be done with this card and built three Legacy decks designed to exploit the Arabian Nights rare.