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The Metamorphosis (With Apologies To Kafka)

In classic literature, when Gregor Samsa awoke from anxious dreams, he discovered that he had been changed into a verminous bug. But in the hands of eccentric British Magic writer Tony Boydell, Gregor Samsa becomes something else entirely, in a strange and somehow touching tale of Magic struggle.

Hidden Gems #1

In the first of a regular column, Limited master Raphael Levy discusses some of the hidden gems of Ravnica/Ravnica/Guildpact draft. After his storming finals appearence at GP Barcelona – hot on the heels of his Top 8 at GP Cardiff – it’s safe to say that when Raphael speaks, we all should listen…

Hat-tricks and Flying Pigs: A Team Constructed PTQ Report *Winner*

It’s safe to say that Mr Dingler is on a roll. A Limited PTQ win, followed by a Grand Prix win the following weekend… and now another PTQ win a mere seven days later. What’s his secret? Is it all down to the mighty Grozoth? An entertaining and enlightening report from a man who’s definitely in form.

SCG Daily – Lessons from Losses: First (and Foremost)

I’ve elected to take SCG Daily this week to further my plans of literary domination, and to continue revealing how much of an awful player I am. As you can see from the title of the article, I’ve gotten some of the best lessons I’ve learned in this game from horrible tournament failures, and I can’t think of any better way to be a helpful writer than to tell you what not to do. So listen up, kids, and don’t be like Ben.

Qualified! The World’s Shortest Tournament Report

Mike finishes off his series on Team Constructed in fine style… discussing a powerful, new creation that helped qualify two teams at the same PTQ! Confused? Don’t be. One team made it on ranking, and one Q’ed the traditional way (their report appears on Monday)! Wanna know more? All is revealed within…

[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]

Thinking It Through Vol. 2 – Bloodthirsty

Teddy Card Game returns with the second article in the excellent Thinking It Through series. With the help of some of the greatest Limited minds in the game today, Ted explores a number of common 40-card dilemmas. Today, they revolve around Bloodthirst. Have you got the courage to block? Read on to find out…

Magical Hack: Horsemen of the Information Apocalypse

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

In the past few weeks, I’ve talked about a plethora of decks. This is better than that, this put up such-and-such for numbers, this is what made the Top 4 of the Grand Prix… but we’re two weeks into the season, and as you know, two weeks in is plenty of time to find out that everything you knew was wrong.

SCG Daily – You Want Tech, You Got It

For some reason (complete laziness), I never wrote about my experiences at the Honolulu Pro Tour. I’m still not going to, because the time has passed and my notes went through the washing machine a few times, but I do have a tropical lesson to share….

Fanboy for the Pro Tour

Yes, I’ll admit it… I’m a fanboy. While I’m not really a boy – unless you define “boy” as a 28 year old with a beard – I’m most definitely a fan. You see, I like to play Magic. I’m sure my writing for a Magic website has tipped you off on that already.

Team Standard: Exploring Heartbeat Combo

While playing Heartbeat Combo, Mike’s teammate has only lost a single match over two PTQ appearances. In today’s article, Mike analyzes the deck and updates it for the evolving Team Standard metagame… including sideboard advice and play tips!

[Part 1] [Part 2]

C is for Combat

After a brief hiatus, BDM is back with the third of his alphabetized article series. More Limited plays dissected and discussed… this time, they revolve around the cornerstone of our forty-card format: attacking with monsters. An article full of invaluable advice, that will increase your win percentage in both Magic and poker combined!

Food For Thought: Witchety GWUB

Today, Talen brings us a fun deck with explosive potential… based aound a four-color creature from Guildpact. Can a Nephilim deck really do well in the evolving Standard metagame? Read on to find out…

The Kitchen Table #126: Revisiting Equinaut

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

For today’s article from the Kitchen Table, Abe revisits one of his most popular deck creations – the oingy boingy special, Equinaut. Modified with new cards, does it still rock the casual scene? Only Abe can tell us…

SCG Daily – Feed Your Blue Addiction

Seriously… I’m a junkie. I’m hooked to that sweet, that nasty, that gushy stuff. Need a little blueberry to even me out. Some sapphire blue to stop the shakes. Ask around. It’s kinda sad actually… I’m compulsive about drafting Blue in RRG.

The Black Perspective: Winning A PTQ With B/W Husk

Joe Black (plus team) takes to the PTQ dancefloor, high-kicking with a Black/White Husk deck that slipped beneath the Pro Tour Honolulu Radar. Most opponents were shocked to see him there: after all, the man’s a PT staple. Armed with Husk, Osyp and friends took the whole hill o’ beans. Read on for the the low-down on what Osyp and Olivier Ruel call the current Best Deck in Standard…