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Drafting With Dingler

At Grand Prix Cardiff, Martin took the crown by gobbling up all the unloved Green spells. Today, he shares with us the finer points of this strategy, with pick orders and strengths applicable to everyone attempting a DingleDraft. Do you love your 5/5 Wurms? If so, then this is the article for you…

Considering Your Options with Grim Long

Grim Long is arguably the most skill-intensive deck in the current Vintage metagame. Thankfully, Stephen is here to put us through our Type 1 paces. Armed with a gaggle of sample hands and game scenarios, he shares his extensive technical knowledge and informs us of the correct plays. Wanna play Grim Long like a champion? The information is a mouseclick away…

A Scrub Brushes Up, #2: Two Heads, One Tale (and Top Four)

Kelly continues his journey through scrubdom and improvement. Today, he brings us an excellent report on his adventures in the Land of the Two-Headed Giant… A fun, involving, and enlightening read.

SCG Daily – Lessons from Losses: Four Skullclamp

Today, I don’t think one particular anecdote will cover the extent of this lesson, so I’m going to tell two. That and bad beat anecdotes tend to be rather short due to the nature of said beats. It’s hard for one to write an article’s worth of amusing anecdote when one is out of the tournament in 3 rounds.

The Kitchen Table #127: Joey’s Ice Deck

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Recently, Joe Johnson had an article published on this here site. Abe found the character that he describes as “Joey” to be quite interesting, especially Joey’s legendary Ice Deck. Today, Abe recreates the young boy’s super-deck. It has some 10/10s in it… and it’s the second-rarest deck in the world.

Ask Jeroen #1

In our continuing efforts to bring you the very best Magic writing available, we are proud to present Jeroen Remie in the first of a weekly column series! Jeroen is looking for your questions, and plans to answer them all in the coming weeks. Today, he imparts some sage advice on Ravnica/Ravnica/Guildpact drafting, and lets us into the strange world of Bizarro ffeJ…

Playing Zoo in the Team Qualifiers: A PTQ Report

It’s safe to say that Craig Prof Jones has had an excellent run of late. Who can forget the $16,000 Lightning Helix? However, his quest for glory in Team Constructed has thus-far been fruitless… His report today sees him journey to Ireland in search of the Blue Envelope. Does he succeed? Read on to find out…

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #10

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy dodges bullets in his quest for online statistics, and brings us the best and worst of the price changes in the MTGO marketplace. Invaluable stuff for fans of electrical cards.

SCG Daily – Lessons from Losses: Three Little Words

Today I’m going to talk about the hardest lesson that I’ve ever learned from Magic. The tournament I’m about to describe was a failure before I even sat down for my first match, and the events that happened therein had a large effect on the American magic landscape…

Flores, Finkel, Osyp… Play Against the Best!

This weekend, in New York City, the Top8Magic crew will be hosting a book signing at Neutral Ground to give people a chance to buy Mike’s book in person, meet the author, the staff, and some of the famous names that populate the pages of Mike’s massive tome. Once through the doors you will have the opportunity to run your Standard-legal deck through a gauntlet of some of Mike’s past Standard creations, manned by some of the world’s greatest players…

The Hat Rack: The Inaugural Address

Ben brings us an article free of Ghost Dad today… So what, I hear you ask, does it contain? The answer to that? Everything. There’s a look at some possible Dissension cards, Ben’s thoughts on the current Standard environment, some tournament tidbits from GP Madison, a complete RRG Draft walkthrough, plus much much more! A fine article, delivered with a fair dose of good humor.

Playing and Winning in The Zone

Have you ever wished you could play to the best of your ability, week in week out? Have you ever played a match knowing you’re off your game, but unable to peak yourself up to one hundred percent? Do you find yourself lacking that killer instinct, missing out on wins through forces unseen? If this is the case, then Noah can help. A fantastic article examining the psychology of optimal play. Read this, and get in The Zone.

From Right Field: Staples of Kamigawa

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

In a previous article, Chris examined the Staple Rares that every budget player should aim to own. However, he neglected to cover the majority of Kamigawa rares, due to their diminishing Standard shelf-life. After many cries for help, he returns today to set the record straight…

SCG Daily – Lessons from Losses: The Second Pass

The tournament we’re going to cover here today is not necessarily a total failure – I finished in the prizes, I had a winning record, and I was one win away from qualifying. That one potential win and the lack of results thereof, though, is the crux of this article. In that sort of situation, one loss can offset an entire tournament’s worth of wins. The lesson today is one that will hopefully help change some of your tournament near-wins to tournament wins.

The Weekly Guild Build: What About Bob?

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!When you open up a deck with Gleancrawler, Dark Confidant, and Followed Footsteps, you gotta try it. I mean, come on – Footsteps on a Gleancrawler? It’s every Timmy’s fever dream. But in reality, two of these three crazy-strong rares didn’t work out nearly as well as I thought they would, and what I got was a timely lesson on how what’s in your card pool affects how potent a rare can be.