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Two-Headed Giant: Hits and Misses in Ravnica Block Team Trios, Part 2 – Hits

On Friday, Mike shared his opinion on the mistakes made during his testing for Pro Tour Charleston. However, it wasn’t all bad news at the PT… his team, Two Headed Giant, finished strongly in 26h place. While some things went wrong in testing, some things definitely went right. Today he reveals the strengths of their testing, the secrets behind their fine finish, and analysis of the deck that gave him his personal best Constructed performance to date.

Three Simple Words: A PT Charleston Report *26th*

Steve, a member of Two Headed Giant, gave a creditable performance at Charleston but finished just outside the money. Finishing 9th in the Top 8 of life is always a bitter pill to swallow… Steve’s report examines the games played, and reveals the changes he’d make to the deck that almost took him all the way.

Toronto Tales: A GP Toronto Report *3rd*

The Pro Tour Qualifiers for PT Kobe are upon us, and what better way to brush up our RGD Sealed skills than with a tale of success! Kyle Sanchez, half of the South Texas 2HG Champions (the other half being Billy Moreno), recently placed very highly at GP Toronto. When the dust settled, he banked more cash than the winner himself… read his entertaining report here!

SCG Daily – Attack of the Week of Lists, Part 1

You might recall my last turn on the Daily, in which I made lists of various Magic-related things that I thought would be interesting. The positive response to that Daily was above and beyond anything I could have expected; I’m not gonna lie, once I find a gimmick that works, I tend to go with it.

An RGD Draft Walkthrough

With Ravnica Limited finally becoming a little clearer, it’s time to dust off our walkthrough shoes and watch Nick go though the paces. In today’s informative article, Mr Eisel presents every twist and turn from a successful RGD Draft. He examines each pick in detail, discusses some of the trickier deckbuilding decisions, and shares the plays and pitfalls from the resultant games.

Magical Hack: A Limited Point Of View

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

With Limited Champs mere hours away, Sean takes a conglomerate pool from the Day 1 undefeated section of Grand Prix Kuala Lumpur. By mixing and matching proven game-winning cards, he runs through a gauntlet of Limited archetypes in search of the perfect Sealed deck build. This fascinating experiment is sure to pay dividends to those partaking in this weekend’s competition…

Blog Elemental – Standard Tribal Wars: Azorius Spirits

With Standard Tribal Wars now up and running, JMS takes a look at the Kamigawa-centric Spirit tribe, with particular reference to the Blue and White monsters. The Spirit pool is huge – touching U/W is merely one avenue of attack – but Jay shares his decklist and runs through a bevy of matchups in this new and exciting casual format.

Two-Headed Giant: Hits and Misses in Ravnica Block Team Trios, Part 1 – Misses

Mike’s team, the abovementioned Two-Headed Giant, posted a creditable 9-5 at the recent Pro Tour Charleston, earning them 26th place… when the money slots descended to 25th. In today’s Flores Friday, he examines the “misses,” or mistakes, that he and his testing crew fell foul of during their preparation for the event. The line between success and failure is thin – Mike’s frank appraisal of their format evaluations is one from which we all can learn.

Selecting 10th Edition: Auriok Champion!

Did you know that StarCityGames.com has fielded a company softball team this year? It’s true! Our sixteen-man squad has endured early hardships, but we have been improving with every game and now stand on the cusp of victory. What does this have to do with Auriok Champion? Read on to find out!

Selecting 10th Edition – Paladin en-Vec!

Last week, Teddy Card Game came to state the case of Earthquake, singing the praises of the Red board-clearing staple. Thing is, he lost. This week, it’s the turn of the mighty Paldin en-Vec… can Ted save this Jitte-weilding superman from extinction? Or will the Auriok Champion take the crown? This, plus the tale of the tallest taxi driver in the world…

SCG Daily – Blog Fanatic: Ben’s Private Book of Magic Poetry

Magic has been an integral part of my life for over a decade. During that time, I’ve kept a book — a book of my poetry. Today, for the first time, I share my innermost, private poetry with you, the readers of StarCityGames.com.

Editor’s Note: In the name of all things holy, don’t read this article! Ben threatened to fire me if I didn’t publish this Daily. You’ve been warned — Craig

The Math of Magic, and Moving Decks Between Formats

Today, Jeroen answers a number of Magic related questions from readers and fans. He presents a handy mathematical crib-sheet outlining some probabilities of drawing cards at a certain stage of the game, and presents his ideas on moving a deck between formats. Plus, he answers the age-old question… just how do you pronounce his name?

Meandeck Lists and the Rochester Wrap-up

Stephen revisits his predictions for the Rochester SCG Power 9 events, and gives a breakdown of the field. Some of his predictions were spot on… some, not so much. He investigates the impact the results have on the Vintage metagame, and presents some strong decklists from the successful strategies. A perfect article for those planning to play at the upcoming SCG Power 9 events in Charlotte!

The Kitchen Table #137: The Deck Challenge — Results

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Three weeks ago I investigated my own biases as a Magic player by reviewing previous articles I had written. I then asked people to submit decklists to me by e-mail, and I would choose the winners and display their decks in an article. This article. Are you a winner? Read on to find out!

SCG Daily – Unhinged and Unglued: Broken Beyond Belief!

Did you know that some of the most powerful cards in Magic history were printed in Unglued and Unhinged? It’s true — and the only thing saving them from breaking the power curve in Magic is their silver border. But what if Unglued and Unhinged were tournament legal? In today’s column, I’ll explore these two sets, and let you know which cards would be tearing up the tournament scene, from Vintage to Standard.