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Attack of the Week of Lists, Part 4, Now With Special Bonus List!

For the fourth entry in his entertaining Week of Lists, Mark blatanty steals Tim Aten’s schtick. You want the lowdown on the Team Names from Pro Tour Chraleston? You got it!

Information Cascades in Magic

In Magic, there’s one thing we all crave: information. Be it in the form of articles, or tech, or statistics, we can’t get enough of that sweet, sweet gold… but what if the information is leading you in circles? What if the information spawns faulty logic and inbred testing conclusions? In this excellent article, Pat examines the phenomenon of Information Cascades, and shares some pertinent tips regarding our creative process.

In The Know #3: Vintage Play Scenarios Examined

Josh returns with another installment of his enlightening “In The Know” series. Today, he supplies a sample hand for the popular Stax deck, and asks a number of quality Vintage players for their input on what to do next. This article is perfect for both Stax and non-Stax players, as it examines the plays that power this Vintage behemoth… perfect preparation for those attending the approaching StarCityGames.com Power 9 Events in Charlotte!

Drafting With Rich #2

In the second of this daily series, Rich returns with another draft walkthrough. He shares his picks and final decklist, and adds a brief commentary on the final deck and draft result. Do you agree with his choices? If not, come to the forums and tell us! Rich will be there, defending his decisions every step of the way…

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #20

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy bludgeons the Magic Online metagame, pontificates on the Magic Online single card prices, and champions the cause of the Magic Online Clan system. He sends a special shout-out to his friends in Clan Cymbrogi.

SCG Daily – Attack of the Week of Lists, Part 3

Mark continues his Week of Lists with a rundown of the “Top 10 Cards I Wanted to Open Last Weekend,” a homage to RGD Limited Champs players everywhere. If you were praying for Cloaks but opened Jokes, then come share Mark’s pain…

Battle Royale Round 2: Snakes On A Plane

Fresh from his victory over Chris Romeo, the indomitable Richard Feldman returns to the Battle Royale arena to face a fresh challenge with a fresh deck. His opponent this week? Ben “Ridiculous Hat” Goodman. The Rules? A Standard deck built with $25 or less. The Battle? A best-of-five showdown on MTGO. The Details? Read on to find out…

Battle Royale Round 2: Slithering Back

This week’s Battle Royale sees the undefeated Richard Feldman take on Ben “Ridiculous Hat” Goodman. We’ve seen Richard’s deck, dubbed “Snakes on a Plane.” Now it’s Ben’s turn… and his deck is surprising, to say the least. A $25 Standard deck, for a best-of-five battle on MTGO, that must be capable of defeating an army of slippery snakes… Bizarrely, it seems that Ben is fighting fire with fire.

Punch Limited In The Face For Me

Last weekend, JFR and Berto headed out to their local Limited Champs tournament, looking to place in the Top 8 and pick up a foil Voidslime. So, how did they do? Re-read the article title, and I’m sure you’ll find the answer to that particular conundrum. Rizzo rants and rails as only he can, bringing us an entertaining report full of wit and Rizzo wisdom. He even dons his Reporter’s Hat and covers the Top 8 highlights…

The Red Fundamentals: Learning From The Pros

After much cajoling, Dan Paskins (Red Mage Extraordinaire) returns to StarCityGames.com! Today he brings us some sound advice regarding Red spells… when to hold them back, and when to send them to the face. With solid analysis of Tomoharu Saito’s semi-final play at Pro Tour Charleston, he examines the plays and skills required in order to maximize our beatdown potential.

Drafting With Rich #1

In the first of a daily feature, exclusively for our Premium subscribers, Rich Hoaen shares his drafting techniques. Utilizing the excellent DraftCap draft recording software (availiable for download here), Rich shares a draft a day, from first pick to forty-fifth, with decklist and final draft result. Rich also gives a brief overview of how the deck fared, and is available for detailed deconstruction in the forums. The best players, the best writers… at StarCityGames.com!

From Right Field: More ‘Vore

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Fresh off the back of his defeat at the hands of Richard Feldman in the first round of the StarCityGames Battle Royale, Chris takes a budget look at a hardy perennial of Standard: Magnivore. Undercosted and hasty fat monsters for four mana are quite the value… does Chris’s deck have what it takes to compete aginst the Big Dogs?

SCG Daily – Attack of the Week of Lists, Part 2

Today, Mark’s daily list deals with comics. He presents his Top 5 Comic Books You Might Not Know About… do you agree with his evaluations?

The Weekly Guild Build: How Children Drop Your DCI Rating

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!It’s a mixture of topics this week as The Ferrett opens a deck, opines upon his daughter, apologizes for the two wretched articles that got published last week, and discusses what the 8-0 decks from Grand Prix: Toulouse mean when you go to build your deck!

Theo-logy Plus

Tony does his usual mix of tricks and poetry, by providing a Seussian lament about “The Prat With The Mat” before launching into an elaborate wordplay puzzle that asks you whether you can figure out the names of Magic cards, encoded cunningly in a Da Vinci-style fashion! And if you can, you might win some foil Ravnica rares!