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I Think I’m Tough Because I Have Overrun:PTQ – SD

Rizzo’s movin’ to Maine and tryin’ his hand at them old cards. With pitchures an’ everythang!

Lords of Atlantis: The Long Road Up – Grand Prix Minneapolis *40*

I wanted to come back up, and show them how much better I had gotten. I hoped that with my performance at the Grand Prix, I was able to show them.

Wu Spy: Drivin’ at Midnight in my Chevy

Looking for some good deck to play in November? If you’re a Blue addict, you may find yourself reaching for the and reflexively. Mono-blue’s Draw-Go dreams are dead, right? Maybe. But in the spirit of inquiry, we here at the Shack of Ideas humbly bring you: November Love Revolution Turbo-Chevy * (I’m a sucker for…

A Sligh Look at Odyssey, Pt. 1

Bennie tries a different take at looking at Odyssey – checking cards by mana cost. What cards might make the cut in what Bennie sez is a powerful set?

You CAN Play Type I #11: Brainless Players Vs. Mono Blue

Blinded by individual power cards, too many players end up forgetting the basics… Even Zvi. Well, sorta.

The Worlds (Attempted) Shortest Magic Article

This is the world’s shortest Magic article. (Barring Nate Clark’s two-character Worlds ’98 report submitted to the Dojo.) (The characters were " : " and " ( ".) (I gather he didn’t do too well.) This is going to be the world’s second shortest article, because I have an end-of-year exhibition for my chosen study…

Blonde Skies – A Deck For November Type 2

Play with Thought Nibbler and you have no brains – does this make you a blonde?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #13: Memories of IBC

It’s wonderful to share in the triumph when your wife makes a Level 2 Judge – but when her first official ruling is to give you a game loss, it’s not quite as cool.

Prerelease Report Of The Stars – Odyssey Prerelease

Two and a half weeks ago, I received an email which contained the location, date and starting time of the Odyssey prerelease. “There will be an Odyssey prerelease at the 22.9.01, Uri” , the email said to me. “The cost will be… 85 NIS (20$)!” (pause for applause) “The location… Matnas Shenkin, Tel-Aviv, Israel!” (pause…

Bad Deckbuilder’s Corner: Two Post-Odyssey Standard Decks

These two decks are pretty rough but show promise. I won’t go so far to state that I’ll play one of these decks at States, but one never knows.

The Value Of Rogue And The Function Of The DCI

Why was Stand/Deliver the thing that made Will’s deck work? Because everybody else set their Mages to Repulse, that’s why.

Abedraft – A New Limited Format For The Casual Player

Ever want to make your own Magic Environment? Think metagame analysis ruins the purity of Limited Magic? Are you looking for something new to spice up your Magic life? A few years ago, a friend of mine sponsored a draft wherein he created the packs of cards from a carefully selected pool of cards, placed…

Pure And Simple

An interview with Kai Budde… Sorta… Well, what do you expect from Tony, anyway?

My Odyssey Prerelease Report

I want to apologize for the lateness of my report; I suspect it was Rizzo’s Bruce that made me dawdle. I could go on for six or seven pages about why I brought the deck that I did – but this is a prerelease, so instead I’ll just give you the deck that I built….

CASUAL FRIDAYS #105: Odyssey’s Ups And Downs

Only the very best (well, and the very mediocrest) for your perusal this week. And a graceful Break this Card is born!