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Wacky Wednesdays #21: It’s Okay, They’re Just Elves!

It’s CHAOS! Chaos Magic, that is, and how someone did sixteen points of elf damage on the first turn. Say, why don’t you share your craziest multiplayer stories and get $5 in StarCity credit?

Mouth: The Next Great Talent?

I beg to differ. I think Mouth had much more talent than you think.

OBC Mono Green Primer, Part The First

Everyone knows that monogreen is dead in OBC, at least for now – I mean, Finkel and the OMSes played it and died horribly, right? But if you look closer at the results and some of the subtle difference between green decks, you may find a healthy deck waiting for a Judgement infusion.

Five Articles In Five Days: Blue’s Judgement All-Stars

Blue has some good cards in Judgement. (Hand off the keyboard.) Yeah, my reputation is safe. For my next piece of analysis, I’ll talk about how there’s a good chance of instability in the Middle East.

My Penance

The Reverend sees the light and takes up the torch! Yes, Rizzo and Wakefield were the best writers ever… And Wachter must follow, showing off his dogs, his music, and beating the crap out of Zev Gurwitz! Possibly the funniest Magic article ever, though it’s not for the easily offended.

A Grab For The Legacy: Five Articles In Five Days!

I think I can be the next Rizzo, or at least a reasonable facsimile… And so I’m going to go over the Judgement cards for Constructed, a color a day, while including foul jokes and unrepentant humor.

Mixed Knuts: Head Up And Move ‘Em Out!, Or The 2002 Regionals Roundup

The Knutmaster analyzes Regionals to see what the major trends were, asks Flores and other historians for some help, discusses Judgement’s brokenness, and lists movies. Business As Usual, except now he has snarky editorial inserts!

You CAN Play Type I #39: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XX – Head To Head With Stompy

Four games against Stompy are highlighted, and Oscar stomps the heck out of ’em with Pure Control. Hey, one game is even close!

Double or Nothing: Regionals, Part 2

All right! Jim qualified for Nationals… But with what deck and what record?

A League Of Your Own

I had a store owner who wanted to beef up his Magic business. I myself wanted more local Magic. How did I put the peanut butter into his chocolate?

You’re Doing Magic A Disservice, Ferrett

I cannot see how you would want to publish, let alone feature on your front page, any”writer” who is such a kiss-ass, and so blatantly ignorant, as to say that three of the five best articles on Magic are Rizzo articles.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #129: When A Radiate Deck Doesn’t Radiate, Does Anyone Hear It In The Woods?

Anthony tries to break the synergy between Seize The Day and Radiate… And seizes an extra week himself with an announcement on new column pacing.

The Hornet’s Nest, Part III: Enough With Rizzo, All Right?

Today’s theme is people who really didn’t think that Rizzo was all that good. (Yesterday’s theme was”Writers From Afar,” but I’ll explain why I didn’t mention that in a minute.) But today marks an even more important day in StarCity history: We’re done with Rizzo.

Why You And I Don’t Deserve Rizzo’s Boxes

Straight outta 7Towers.net, the man some consider to be the Heir To Rizzo’s Throne tells you exactly who DOES deserve the Rizzo Box… And, of course, why.

Mixed Knuts: My Love Affair With Rizzo

You forced me to think, and for that I am grateful. I didn’t want to do it, but you made me love you. Now you leave me in the cold and don’t even tell me why you’ve gone.