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The Hornet’s Nest, Part III: Enough With Rizzo, All Right?

Today’s theme is people who really didn’t think that Rizzo was all that good. (Yesterday’s theme was”Writers From Afar,” but I’ll explain why I didn’t mention that in a minute.) But today marks an even more important day in StarCity history: We’re done with Rizzo.

Here And Now

I can tell you that Rizzo won’t be playing Magic again anytime soon. His enjoyment came from the writing more than the playing – and as long as he finds something to write about, he won’t need Magic.

From the Top to the Bottom: Introduction And Judgment White

Rizzo once mentioned in one of his articles a class of player who always dominates the local scene but can’t quite cut it on the actual Pro circuit – that’s me. But I’m not ashamed to give my preliminary opinion on Judgement’s white cards in draft.