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Compulsive Victory: A CounterBurn Tournament Report

I have to warn you, though, my tournament report is long – almost definitely long-winded. But this deck is quite complex to play and describing the interactions with discarding and paying madness requires a lot of extra words in each sentence.

Jedi Mind Tricks

Use something cool as tokens. The best markers I have found are bullets. I picked up a box of .45 caliber bullets from a friend who had sold his pistol and still had the ammunition. Nothing says love like adding another bullet to the table.

Ask The Right Questions

We’ve been given a gift – we know the next set for Odyssey block down to the card. That gives us more time… But can we ask the right questions that let us break OBC wide open? That, and a special editorial apology for the Rizzo Fiasco.

OBC Mono Green Primer, Part The First

Everyone knows that monogreen is dead in OBC, at least for now – I mean, Finkel and the OMSes played it and died horribly, right? But if you look closer at the results and some of the subtle difference between green decks, you may find a healthy deck waiting for a Judgement infusion.