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My Penance

The Reverend sees the light and takes up the torch! Yes, Rizzo and Wakefield were the best writers ever… And Wachter must follow, showing off his dogs, his music, and beating the crap out of Zev Gurwitz! Possibly the funniest Magic article ever, though it’s not for the easily offended.

A League Of Your Own

I had a store owner who wanted to beef up his Magic business. I myself wanted more local Magic. How did I put the peanut butter into his chocolate?

You’re Doing Magic A Disservice, Ferrett

I cannot see how you would want to publish, let alone feature on your front page, any”writer” who is such a kiss-ass, and so blatantly ignorant, as to say that three of the five best articles on Magic are Rizzo articles.

The Hornet’s Nest, Part III: Enough With Rizzo, All Right?

Today’s theme is people who really didn’t think that Rizzo was all that good. (Yesterday’s theme was”Writers From Afar,” but I’ll explain why I didn’t mention that in a minute.) But today marks an even more important day in StarCity history: We’re done with Rizzo.

Here And Now

I can tell you that Rizzo won’t be playing Magic again anytime soon. His enjoyment came from the writing more than the playing – and as long as he finds something to write about, he won’t need Magic.

From the Top to the Bottom: Introduction And Judgment White

Rizzo once mentioned in one of his articles a class of player who always dominates the local scene but can’t quite cut it on the actual Pro circuit – that’s me. But I’m not ashamed to give my preliminary opinion on Judgement’s white cards in draft.