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The Daily Shot: Why Mark Rosewater Ignored My Lance (Oh Yeah, And A Prerelease Report)

So I’m walking around some event and I see Mark Rosewater. Of course I march right up to him and whip out my Lance. He gives me a funny look, like he doesn’t understand why I’m showing him my Lance.
“Care to explain this?” I say, holding the Lance closer so that he can view it.”It’s bent,” he responds, shrugging his shoulders. I’m a little miffed at him ignoring the more obvious issue – the fact that my Lance is underpowered.

Double or Nothing: English Nationals 2002

It turns out that Gary Wise, the master of Limited had had a horrible day yesterday and was on ten points, just like me. Well, I have a chance to do my reputation some good here and whup him…. But did I?

After Judgment Has Passed: White Answers And White Weenie

Deadly enchantments, like Solitary Confinement and Mist of Stagnation. Hard-to-kill creatures, like the Phantoms. Punishers and Incarnations. What trends are coming up in a Judgment-fueled Type 2 – and what answers exist to stop those threats before they arise?

The Hidden Battle: The Wachter Deck In Extended?

Randy Buehler, says,”You have no idea how happy we were when you won that tournament with Battle of Wits. When we made the card, we were like, ‘This is a card that won’t look like much – but someone will win a tournament with it, other people will try it and lose, and that’ll be about it.'” They were wrong.

Mixed kNuts: All Aboard the Magical History Tour!

Why does Scott Johns think You Suck? Teddie Kneutered asks the question, and applies it to his playstyle, showing you the mistakes he’s made and how he’s raised his rating. While he’s at it, he hates my stupid nicknames for him – and is willing to pony up some good cards to have you create one! Oh, and badger testicles.

Back With A Vengeance

The fact that our front page now takes less than twenty seconds to load wouldn’t generally considered a triumph. But our database servers are finally going full-speed, and heck if the front page doesn’t load in .88 seconds by my watch! Yee and haw.

Also, anyone wanna scroll down and plug a card into our new”Ask The Virtual Judge” program? Thought so. Try it; it’s way cool.

Oh yeah; do me a favor and check the articles that are further down the page, too. They’re well worth your time.

StarCity’s Down, And We’re Not Happy About It Either

folks, while we’re switching database servers,
the portion of our site that serves up all
the nifty articles and whatnot will be down
until Wednesday – which means that it’ll
probably be more like Thursday, given our
server guy. Until then, feel free to order
from our cart, and accept our sincerest

good news: After all of this is said and
done, the slooooow delays in getting StarCity
to load should be over – and allow us to
move into Phase Two of all the nifty things
we’ll be offering come the end of July.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: You may or may not be able
to access old articles at this time, but
I left the links at the top and to the side
active anyway. Feel free to browse; at the
time I wrote this, I could access yesterday’s
updates and the writer archives, but not
the Tech centers. Experiment at your own
risk; remember, we’re in the middle of a
mess. (Sorry about the mess.)

Star City’s Down, And We’re Not Happy About It, Either

folks, while we’re switching database servers,
the portion of our site that serves up all
the nifty articles and whatnot will be down
until Wednesday – which means that it’ll
probably be more like Thursday, given our
server guy. Until then, feel free to order
from our cart, and accept our sincerest

good news: After all of this is said and
done, the slooooow delays in getting StarCity
to load should be over – and allow us to
move into Phase Two of all the nifty things
we’ll be offering come the end of July.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: You may or may not be able
to access old articles at this time, but
I left the links at the top and to the side
active anyway. Feel free to browse; at the
time I wrote this, I could access yesterday’s
updates and the writer archives, but not
the Tech centers. Experiment at your own
risk; remember, we’re in the middle of a
mess. (Sorry about the mess.)

StarCity’s Down, And We’re Not Happy About It Either

folks, while we’re switching database servers,
the portion of our site that serves up all
the nifty articles and whatnot will be down
until Wednesday – which means that it’ll
probably be more like Thursday, given our
server guy. Until then, feel free to order
from our cart, and accept our sincerest

good news: After all of this is said and
done, the slooooow delays in getting StarCity
to load should be over – and allow us to
move into Phase Two of all the nifty things
we’ll be offering come the end of July.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: You may or may not be able
to access old articles at this time, but
I left the links at the top and to the side
active anyway. Feel free to browse; at the
time I wrote this, I could access yesterday’s
updates and the writer archives, but not
the Tech centers. Experiment at your own
risk; remember, we’re in the middle of a
mess. (Sorry about the mess.)

StarCity’s Down, And We’re Not Happy About It Either

folks, while we’re switching database servers,
the portion of our site that serves up all
the nifty articles and whatnot will be down
until Wednesday – which means that it’ll
probably be more like Thursday, given our
server guy. Until then, feel free to order
from our cart, and accept our sincerest

good news: After all of this is said and
done, the slooooow delays in getting StarCity
to load should be over – and allow us to
move into Phase Two of all the nifty things
we’ll be offering come the end of July.

ADDITIONAL NOTE: You may or may not be able
to access old articles at this time, but
I left the links at the top and to the side
active anyway. Feel free to browse; at the
time I wrote this, I could access yesterday’s
updates and the writer archives, but not
the Tech centers. Experiment at your own
risk; remember, we’re in the middle of a
mess. (Sorry about the mess.)

A Wasted Opportunity to Salvage White

I couldn’t help but hope that Judgment would make up for that neglect in spades, giving us white cards on par with the black Renaissance in Torment – and man, what a letdown. So what would I have done?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #132: Judging The Judgments On Judgment

Tormented by the odyssey of many players to put set titles in their set review articles, Anthony conducts an invasion in alliance with the legends who live in the stronghold in Urza’s homelands in hopes of averting an exodus, a planeshift, or worst of all, the apocalypse itself. Not your typical tempest in a teacup!