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Hall of Fame Daily – Brian Hacker

Today’s subject is one of the original bad boys of Magic, current Vs. System designer Brian Hacker.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Brokencaller

I don’t like Saviors of Kamigawa that much. Zvi recently claimed that it appeared like the sort of set he’d build if you gave him 24 hours. That’s exactly what it feels like to me as well. The only things this set will “save” you from are excitement and interesting cards. One of the cards that I really like, however, is Oboro Breezecaller. If you read either of my two previous Saviors articles, I mention that I think Breezecaller has serious potential. How can I ignore that potential when I start building my daily decks?

Weak Among the Strong: Two for Thought, One for Fun

Interested in seeing what decks the goofy rogue designers might be playing at Regionals this year? Chad Ellis has a few ideas, and one of them might actually be quite good.

Introducing StarCityVS.com!


Today, I am proud to introduce the newest member of the Star City family… StarCityVS.com!

Hall of Fame Daily – Alan Comer

KK returns to take a look at five of the Hall of Fame nominees that deserve a little more press. Today he starts with the mad brit that makes your MODO run better, Alan Comer.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Mist Information

Hello, and welcome back to the Daily Deck-a-thon. For the week, we’ll be injecting life into the arm of Magic with your daily dosage of deck. The theme is pretty simple – I build a brand new deck followed by some comments. If you have any theme recommendations for decks this week, I’ll be happy to take a peak at them in the forums.

Spice.dec – The Post-Saviors Update!

Believe it or not, there are Kamigawa Block PTQs that start the day after U.S. Regionals. Get the jump on the entire Kamigawa Block Constructed PTQ season today, as Pro Tour: Philadelphia Top 8 competitor Mark Herberholz updates his winning “Spice.dec” for the post-Saviors metagame!

Shooting And Falling Stars At Star City P9: Rochester

The always entertaining former Vintage World Champion recaps his Star City P9: Rochester experience. Awesome sauce not included.

Lessons From Regionals

We’re one week away from the biggest Standard tournament of the year – are you ready? Flores will be participating in his tenth Regionals, and today he shares some of the key lessons that he has learned over the years while qualifying, and helping his friends qualify, for U.S. Nationals.

Tribal Wars Week — The Winner, And Next Week’s Contest!

Alas, even editors need to take vacations every once in awhile — and you’d be surprised at how hard it is to find a reliable connection in Sandwich, Massachusetts. Thus, while I was able to edit the articles, I ran out of Internet just as I was about to choose the winners. Alas.

The winner was Tim Ward, who provided a pretty fantastic series on Slivers, ranking all the Slivers (or, um, almost all of them except for Mistform Ultimus). Tim wins this week’s $20 prize!

Next week’s challenge?

The Top Three Saviors of Kamigawa Multiplayer Cards.

You’ve had a couple of weeks to play with them — so what are the most powerful cards? Remember, we want articles, not listings, so show us your work with some suitably powerful Saviors-powered decks designed to plow the rest of the table ! (And for the record? We’ve already had someone win $20 for pointing out the Sekki, Seasons’ Guide/Pandemonium combo — you’ll have to be more creative than that.) So send your submissions into Mail us at https://sales.starcitygames.com/contactus/contactform.php?emailid=2 and you could win $20!

Joshie Green and the Online Metagame

What’s that you say? Wakefield is playing a deck that actually wins? Now this I gotta see!

From Right Field: What I Played at 2005 Regionals, Part III

This is it, folks – the fully playtested, tweaked, and budget-conscious version of the deck Chris is taking to Regionals!

SCG Daily – So Close, and Yet, So Far

Ever since I started playing this game and learned of the Pro Tour, it’s been my lofty goal to play on that highest of stages. I’ve just wanted to qualify at least once for a Pro Tour event before I keel over (but by then, hopefully, someone will have an Animate Dead handy). I’ve come close, tantalizingly, on a few occasions. Today I’m going to talk about those occasions.

Changes in Five-Color — June ‘05

The month of June brings possibly the most eventful issues that Five-Color’s ever seen: the restriction of Contract from Below, the legalization of Portal (or most of it, anyway), the expansion from eighteen cards of each color to twenty cards, and errataing the Wishes. What do these changes potentially mean for Magic’s Biggest Format?

Thoughts on Vintage

Chad shares his thoughts on his experience last weekend in Rochester, the hurdles still left for Vintage as a whole, how he came up with his goofy-yet-techy Goblin Resistance deck, and wraps things up with his own thoughts on the Hall of Fame ballots and nominees.