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SCG Daily – Taking The Blinders Off

Do you know how many bad-at-first-glance Magic cards are glossed over? A lot. They’re overcosted, or underpowered, or they just don’t seem to do anything. Set reviews will tell you these cards are bad.

Cards like… I dunno, say… Tooth and Nail?

The Weekly Guild Build: Make The Right Choice

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at

The undefeated decks from Dortmund have come in, and the lessons are clearer than ever: make the wrong choices about your mana base, and you lose. Thus, this week The Ferrett analyzes the Dortmund x-0s, as well as giving you a PTQ deck of his that features a lot of tricky calls.

The Beautiful Struggle: The Green Trap

The Ravnica/Guildpact Sealed season continues, and Magic players across the world are posting excellent finishes on the back of Green-heavy cardpools. Mark, however, feels that the Green cards are not always the perfect path to victory. In this article, he suggests that to truly succeed at this format, we need to do much more than lay Forests and cast monsters…

In The Know #1: Vintage Play Scenarios Examined

You want to become a better player? What better way to learn than to see the analyzing processes of players better than you? I’ve joked before that when I play Control Slaver, I “just do whatever Rich Shay would do.” This led to the idea of actually asking what he was thinking at a given moment. So, I’ll be presenting play scenarios and then asking some solid technical Vintage players what they’d do.

SCG Daily – Better Right Than Pretty

There are strong decks, and there are pretty decks. Do you know the difference? When it comes to the crunch, what would you rather have… beauty or strength?

Vote Masashi Oiso, Shuhei Nakamura for the Invitational!

It’s voting time again — this time, the Invitational Vote 2006 revolves around the Asia/Pacific region. On the ballot, we have two Feature Writers from StarCityGames.com.

Sealed Revealed 4: Ravnica/Guildpact Cardpool #1

In his first article since taking the role of Managing Editor, Craig reprises his popular “Sealed Revealed” series, taking a Ravnica/Guildpact Sealed Deck cardpool and evaluating the cards therein!

Magical Hack: Second Thoughts on Guildpact

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last few weeks, welcome to what is quite possibly the hardest Limited format we’ve ever encountered. Sean guides us through some of the more powerful cards in the environment, looking for the strongest contenders in the common slot. Plus, a little fun with the Pro Player cards…

Data Mining in Action: Could Dave Price be Wrong?

There are many universal truths held high in Magic Theory. One notable example is “there are no wrong threats, only wrong answers,” an idea put forth by the great Dave Price. In today’s Flores Friday, Mike scrutinizes this Sacred Cow under the white-heat of examination. Could Dave Price actually be wrong? Backed by extensive data mining, Mike vows to find out…

SCG Daily – Mox Takes On The World!

While we’re all extricably linked though cardboard elves, it’s true that different countries have different outlooks regarding our fair game. Spanish Magic players, for example, don’t play cards in the afternoon, preferring to spend their time being chased by bulls. French Magic games usually last a little under five minutes before someone concedes, and the English metagame largely revolves around crumpets.

Following the Herd

John F. Rizzo, at his ridiculous best.

Dwelling on the professed shortcomings of the game is one of the most beloved indoor spectator sports, and one in which I often played the supporting role of Joiner Adept. You may offer a laundry list, but I’ll ignore them and get cozy with Snuggle Bear since he’s so damn cute and makes everything clean and soft, like a fresh blanket of snow that lets you skip work or school and play with those silly cards all day.

It’s the Mana, Stupid!

Rick takes us through his card pool from Grand Prix Richmond, exploring many avenues of deck construction. What is the correct path? The forums will surely find out…

The Kitchen Table #119: A Large Deck with a Large Attitude

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Welcome to the fourth week anniversary of our weekly dosage of all thing casual. One of the charges I was given with this column by my esteemed editor was to revisit some of my older ideas and revamp them. Maybe you weren’t one of my readers three years ago. Maybe some new cards have come out since then, and a topic needs to be revisited. Or, maybe I just have new ideas on old articles.

A Ravnica-Ravnica-Guildpact Draft Walkthrough

Following his excellent article on the Undervalued Gems of Guildpact, Nick takes us through a Ravnica/Ravnica/Guildpact draft, with each pick examined under a microscope. It’s all here: strengths and weaknesses, pick choices, draft summary, match reports and more! Whether you’re looking to qualify for Pro Tour Prague or just improve your understanding of the Ravnica/Ravnica/Guildpact draft format, you won’t want to miss this one!

The Black Perspective: A Little Ham And Eggs Comin’ At Ya!

Is it just me, or are there a lot of issues spiraling around the Magic community recently? From lawsuits to cheating accusations, Magic is a hotbed of excitement, and I figured now was a good time to start writing again. However, the problem with all of the issues taking place is that they can all be summed up in one or two paragraphs, and I won’t get paid for that. Instead, I decided to write about my experiences at Grand Prix Richmond, and tell you what I learned.