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SCG Daily – A Deck A Day: Righteousness, For Their Sake

For today’s deck building fiesta, I am going to go back to an old feature — the bad rare deck. I am going to reach into my box of, um… low-value rares and grab one, building the first deck that comes to mind in seconds. Ready?

Vote Nuijten, Jonsson, Nassif for the Invitational!

Julien Nuijten, Anton Jonsson, and Gabriel Nassif are all eligible for your votes in the latest round of Invitational voting at MagicTheGathering.com. Choose your European All-Star, and vote!

The Brave, The Bold, This Year’s Invitational Ballot

Jeff brings us his choices for the Magic Invitational 2006 Writer’s Ballot. Like Mr Krouner below, he has a few things to say on the legitimacy of certain candidates… I sense the forums will be busy today.

I Want My All-Star Game Back!

Ken Krouner has deep-held issues regarding the current format of the Magic Invitational. At its very core, he believes it is deeply flawed. Like Jeff Cunningham above, he raises some pertinent questions regarding candidates and eligibility. Do you agree with his views?

SCG Daily – Interviewing… Chris Romeo

In his final SCG Daily column, Chris takes narcissism to strange new heights. He interveiws the self-proclaimed Best Lookin’ Magic Writer on the Internet…

Spotlight on Standard – Exploring Gruul Deck Wins

Each day this week, your Premium writers will be commenting on the upcoming Pro Tour event, with analyses of what decks to see, how the format will shape up, and updated revisions of existing powerhouses. Mike focuses on the “mono-Red” Gruul build, giving an in-depth analysis of card choices, and its strength in the projected PT Honolulu metagame.

Spotlight on Standard – Gruul Aggro Fat

It seems a large majority of the Pro community are excited by the Gruul cards for Standard play… We’ve had Ted Knutson, and his overview of Gruul and Zoo decks in the coming metagame. Then there’s Mike Flores, concentrating on the “mono-Red” Gruul Deck Wins. Terry takes a slightly different slant, attempting to merge all the possible Gruul strategies into one aggressive goliath. He claims it is the strongest deck for the coming Pro Tour… read all about it here!

The Raging Goblin Rule

The Raging Goblin Rule states that there is always a better one-mana Goblin that you could put in your deck instead of Raging Goblin, and that if there isn’t, you need to find another deck. The reason for this is that a 1/1 haste creature with no other abilities is never the right threat, and as Mike told you recently, there are such things as wrong threats as well as wrong answers. The Raging Goblin knows this, which is one of the main causes of his general rage.

Magical Hack: Ravnica, City of Drafting

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

With the release of Guildpact on Magic Online, there will now be more drafting than ever before, all available with just a click of the mouse any hour of the day (or night). So check your catheters and secure your IV drip, and put a fresh pot of coffee in the drip bag… because it’s time to lose ourselves in Ravnica, the City of Drafting.

Spotlight on Standard – Too Cool for Gruul

Each day this week, your Premium writers will be commenting on the upcoming Pro Tour event, with analyses of what decks to see, how the format will shape up, and updated revisions of existing powerhouses. Aside from being dashingly handsome, Teddy Card Game is reknowned for his expert skills at Metagame Analysis. With the Pro Tour mere days away, Ted shares his predictions… plus his latest Gruul and Zoo decklists!

The Kitchen Table #121: Silly Card Tricks

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

This week, the Kitchen Table is brimming with delicious decks. Abe brings us three strong and fun contenders, each centred around a single card. Some fresh and quirky ideas to confound your foes at your next spell-slinging session!

SCG Daily – Interviewing Craig Stevenson

In the fourth of this entertaining series, Chris interviews the Managing Editor of StarCityGames.com, Craig Stevenson. That’s right… me.

I like this article a lot. Then again, I’m bound to: I feature in it quite heavily.

The 2006 Magic Invitational Ballot: Julien Nuijten’s Votes

Julien Nuijten, one of the hottest young pros in the game today, casts his votes for the 2006 Magic Invitational Writer’s Ballot. In this, we learn Frank Karsten loves Hilary Duff, and that Neil Reeves is a bully.

Life After Kamigawa

While we’re currently still enthralled with 5/5 Legendary Dragon Spirits and The Kind of Legendary Artifacts That Make You Open Packs Like Wonka Bars, there is life beyond Kamigawa and its underpowered and overpowered scattering of cards. This article will focus on the gems that will only truly shine once that block has left us, and the cards that may still be flying under the radar.

Food For Thought: RUG Control

“Izzet seems to have a plethora of win conditions, but it’s slow. Green seems to have a lot of mana acceleration, but not enough ways to win. It saddens me how long it took to figure this combination out.”

Bernie brings us an intriguing deck, working with a long-forgotten Standard tool that was much hyped on release… Thoughts of Ruin. Has it finally found a home?