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Coldsnap In Limited: The Black Cards

ColdsnapAfter waxing lyrical on the Blue cards from Coldsnap, Julien turns his attention to the Black selection. He reveals his current favorite triple-Coldsnap draft strategy, and presents a handy table that uncovers the math behind the ripple mechanic. Wanna know the probability of hitting your ripple spells at any time in the game? Look no further…

Eliminating Mistakes, and RGD Draft Examined

In his last weekly article before his month-long vacation, Jeroen tackles a number of reader-posed questions on Magic, the Pro Tour, and life in general. Today sees him share some tips on eliminating mistakes, alongside a discussion on color preference in RGD Draft. When facing a first pack jammed with solid cards, is it better to grab the card you enjoy the most?

Drafting With Rich #18

Back on the mean streets of Ravnica, we continue Rich Hoaen’s excellent step-by-step drafting series. As usual, Rich shares each and every pick from an RGD draft, from one to forty-five, then gives us a brief overview of his deck and final performance. For a more detailed deconstruction, visit the forums! Rich will be back early next week with a detailed overview analysis article examining the results from the first fifteen drafts in the series… be sure to tune in!

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #23

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy shares his triple-Coldsnap draft experience, with a couple of tasty decks that served him well. He also shares his findings from the MTGO Premier Event Top 8s, and gives us the rundown on the current trading trends…

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #147: When is Enough Enough?

When is it too much? The cost of playing competitive Magic is rising more and more quickly. So is the cost of casual Magic. Is it becoming too expensive? Last year I wrote about the increasing cost of decks. It’s even worse now.

SCG Daily – Brass Man Wins

I seem to be on a recurring theme of “terrible decisions made by the Brass Man.” While terrible decisions are certainly something I’m well known for, I don’t want anyone getting the wrong impression here. Every once and while, and I’m sure more often than I deserve, some of my terrible decisions pan out. I’m about to give you a decklist that has a perfect tournament record. In fact, it’s never lost a match in tournament play. Mostly this is because I only played the list once and was harassed by well-intentioned friends to never run it again.

Jeff Cunningham’s Coldsnap Review, Part 2: Red and Artifacts

ColdsnapJeff continues his examination of the Coldsnap cards with an in-depth look at the Red and Artifact offerings. Is Stalking Yeti the new Flametongue Kavu? Is Lovisa Coldeyes a credible player? Is Lightning Storm the most confusing burn spell ever? Read on to find out!

Coldsnap In Limited: The Blue Cards

ColdsnapWhile Jeff dallies with the goblins and the machines, Julien dives straight into the Blue. Does Magic’s trickiest color have the stamina to stand up to the Reds and Greens of the Coldsnap killing fields? There are fliers, and removal spells, and a plethora of Snow Matters cards… but is this enough to shine?

Drafting With Rich #17

Back on the mean streets of Ravnica, we continue Rich Hoaen’s excellent step-by-step drafting series. As usual, Rich shares each and every pick from an RGD draft, from one to forty-five, then gives us a brief overview of his deck and final performance. For a more detailed deconstruction, visit the forums! Rich will be back later in the week with a detailed overview analysis article examining the results from the first fifteen drafts in the series… be sure to tune in!

From Right Field: Quick Hits — The (Mostly) RBC Edition, Volume 1

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at
Sometimes, I just have a bunch or random thoughts floating around in my head. It’s part of the problem with being borderline AADD. I can’t really expand any of them into an entire article. So, I’ve collected them, hoping that together they can make up a column. We’ll see…

The Outside: Playing Glare in Standard

Josh takes a look at a base Green/White Glare deck that utilizes Blue for some of the more powerful format-defining spells. It has game against a number of the Standard players, especially the Aggro decks that are smashing local metagames the world over… but does it have enough to be a true Tier 1 contender?

SCG Daily – Brass Man Horror Story

If you know me at all, you’re probably familiar with my history of making ridiculous play errors. Unlike most players, I don’t tend to make my mistakes in complex, stressful, game-altering turns. No, when I make a a mistake, it’s generally with something completely obvious…

The Weekly Chilled Build: The Wastelands of Coldsnap!

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!I arrived at the place I had been destined to go and found it a desolate wasteland. It was cold and deserted, an empty hall bereft of life…

No, I’m not writing fan fiction — that was what the Coldsnap prerelease looked like. There were almost no people, at least not compared to the packed tables of the Dissension prerelease. Where’d they all go? And what’s up with the deck I had to build in the interim?

Jeff Cunningham’s Coldsnap Review, Part 1: White

ColdsnapInvitational finalist and respected Internet writer Jeff “ffeJ” Cunningham returns to StarCityGames.com each day this week with an expert look at the new Coldsnap cards! Today’s article deals with the White cards in the game’s Winter-themed set… how do they fare in the modern Constructed (and Limited) arena? Is there power to be found amid the snow-capped peaks? The answers are only a mouse-click away!

Coldsnap In Limited: The White Cards

ColdsnapWith ffeJ examining Coldsnap with a mainly Constructed eye, we’ve tasked Julien with the job of examining the set from a Limited standpoint. Today he tackles the White cards, with particular reference to the triple Coldsnap draft format that features in the majority of the approaching Nationals tournaments. He identifies two clear directions a White drafter can take, and rates the cards accordingly.