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Has Internet Writing Hit its Peak?

latest article, "Why StarCity Is A Scrub Site," rung true on many points. From the lack of information on Invasion Block to the general lack of strategy, one is entitled to wonder if Magic writing on the Internet has finally hit its peak. To find the answer, we must take a look at the past,…

Lords of Atlantis: Draco, I Choose You Because Domain Cards Are… Okay!

Does Draco warrant enough thought for Constructed play? Of course he does; if not, then why am I writing this?

Planeshift Prerelease Report *T2* – Handa, Japan

Do YOU enjoy playing Japanese Limited? Sure, pros and casual players alike love playing Japanese cards once in a while. The kana and kanji (Japanese’s written characters) look downright silly paired up with your familiar and friendly card art. Japanese cards are also the most expensive per pack (going for an SRP of 500 yen,…

PTQ Barcelona: Why Wasn’t There A Nightscape Snidd?

Rizzo manages to ferret our pictures of mysterious columnists Theron Martin and Shawn Jackson… Oh, and he top eights. And stuff.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Dave’s Adventures At PTQ Barcelona

..And Dave Meddish gets into the tourney fray with his own pictures! But no Top 8. Boo.

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Questions From The Crowd

A while back, I said that I’d collect questions from folks and occasionally write the column answering them. “Occasionally” happens today.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #77: The Victorious Coalition

Entries by name pros with unpronounceable names! A mono-red deck that’s a hoot and a holler! All of this AND MORE in the results of the”Break This Card” contest!

Why Star City Is A Scrub Site

Actually, why EVERY site is a scrub site. If there’s a
message here, it’s this: Put up or shut up.

1800 or Bust!: What Do I Want?

This is NOT an article about quitting Magic. But I’m asking why I continue to play.

Familiarity Breeds… Speed

I really think Familiars are going to be a vital part of decks for some time to come. Why? Speed kills.

The Dead Thread

The entire Featured Writer staff of Star City weighs in on last week’s article. WARNING: More issues-per-square-inch than any other Rizzo article, ever.

Trigger Happy: Eight Paths To Innovative Decks

Virtually every deck I have ever played started from one of these paths. I want to share these with you in hopes that you can use them to make creative decks of your own.

WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION #107: Searching For Morphling

Has Dave found the new Morphling? People seem to say that as he beats them senseless with a flying Hippo and Reverse Ferrett Engineering.

Machinegun Rantings

Well, I haven’t been truly inspired to write anything of late, but so many columns out there have either touched me or irked me that I feel I must surface from the depths of indifference and bother the Ferrett…one more time. (Trust me, it ain’t a bother, it’s a pleasure — , connoisseur of fine…

Casual Play: Fun With Shivan Wurm – Now With Decklists!

Ooo, a contest! Anyone wanna win a nice Legends Kobold to bounce that Shivan Wurm with? Thoughts so.