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Peace of Mind: Audible Differences In Playtesting

Is playtesting useful? Can you just audible your way to a final finish? Mike asks StarCity writers what they think.

Seether Is The Center Of It All

I’d venture a guess to say that the top hundred players in the world are interchangeable in their level of skill.

I’m Not Dead Yet!

The math just doesn’t add up. There needs to be an attendance-based qualifying formula for Regionals.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #8: While We Were Gone…

Why do I play FNM? Well, partially because I can get a lot of games in. And things happen at FNM that would never happen in a PTQ.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #87: Tap G To Regenerate Star City

…And click here to start thinking about Apocalypse and its effect on group play!

Multiplayer Is An Art: Part 4: Blazing Effigy

Hey, no less a man than Anthony Alongi called Stijn”The
S**t.” With compliments like that, how can we NOT make him our latest Featured Writer?

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Resurrection In The Wasteland

Sheldon arrived to find a dead tourney scene – but in a year, we had record tourney attendance. We asked him how he did it; you might wanna listen hard.

Slash and Burn: Two Wildfire Decks For Standard

Okay, it was cutting edge three weeks ago before we went down. Since then, others have written articles. But I still have something to say.

Price of Progress: Pro Tour – Barcelona Report

I didn’t win, sure, but I drafted and played better than I have in years and I feel good about the upcoming tournaments.

I Didn’t Go To Win…

…and it’s a good thing, too. Daniel chronicles the Jolly Losers in the Chairless Room.

1800 or Bust!: Suicide Isn’t Painless!

What does it take for a new Suicide deck to work in Type II – or can it work at all? A little playtesting provides some answers.

Casual Play: A Deck Of Legendary Proportions

The Legendary Deck Of Infinite Dragons. Can it be done? You bet.

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, BOOM!

I got introduced to NetherHaips. I put together a copy and it just killed everything I was playing.

The Guy That Invented Regionals Needs To Be Beaten Up: Part 1

And Rizzo might need a sock in the gut, too, after writing a FORTY-PAGE TOURNAMENT REPORT! With pictures. Strategy. And the usual Rizzian touch.

The Guy That Invented Regionals Needs To Be Beaten Up: Part 2

Aw, screw it. Que sera sera and all that jazz. What was I gonna do anyway, win Regionals? 4/17/01 The last run at CMU. And stuff. Serious testing against Turbo-Haups ensued. We won. It lost. Badly. Here’s why: , , . If one of those cards hits play, it’s bad news for the Haups guy….