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Pit Familiars

None other than the Mirari is up for grabs – but only if you can win it in the pit. What new contestants vie for the most powerful artifact in Odyssey?

The Road To Hell

Stop what you’re doing and read this now! You could be damning yourself to eternal torments! Click this link and SAVE YOUR SOUL!

Good Beats: Swan Song

The bells are breakin’ up that ol’ Pittsburgh gang o’ mine… First Rizzo’s moving to Maine, and now Aaron is quitting Magic – but for a VERY good reason.

November Standard Decks: Odyssey

Team Binary opens their mailing list to the world for a moment… And reveals some of the decks to beat! Looking for a starting point? It’s the Invitational and here.

Wu Spy: Drivin’ at Midnight in my Chevy

Looking for some good deck to play in November? If you’re a Blue addict, you may find yourself reaching for the and reflexively. Mono-blue’s Draw-Go dreams are dead, right? Maybe. But in the spirit of inquiry, we here at the Shack of Ideas humbly bring you: November Love Revolution Turbo-Chevy * (I’m a sucker for…