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1800 or Bust!: Traffic Jam

Occasionally, a deck catches your eye and you can’t leave it alone – and for Jim, that deck is Orbosition. Plus, many foily cards to the man who can rename this column!

A Review Of My Accelerated Black

Rizzo gets ahead of the arrogant and acne-ridden and reviews his own article before it can be reviewed elsewhere! Look out, kiddies! Using needlessly harsh language means everyone knows you’re TOUGH!

Fat Goose

Why play the game as it comes out of the box, when you can play with the idea of the game? That’s way too daft a question, so let us get the heck on with it!

Book Of Records

Prof. Sneeeeep fills us in on some of the world’s greatest Magic records. As usual, he’s offensive, so no whining if you click the link!