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Vote Instant!

Wizards will always be making really good green creatures; why squander our shot here, doing something they’re likely to end up doing anyway? Create an instant to hose blue!

Wacky Wednesdays #9: No-Land, All-Common, Iron Man Crap Magic

Ah, the memories. This week?s tale takes us back roughly three years; Jan Willem Barends (you might remember him from Wacky Wednesdays Part 1) shows you what judges do after a weekend at the Pro Tour. It was my first Pro Tour, and it was a great experience. At the bottom I included some nice…

Bad Times For Eduardo

Someday, somewhere, someone will actually play Hypnox from his hand. And then the sky will open up and thee will know thy wrath of thy Lord! Well, actually, it happened to me. Twice.

The Importance Of Card Advantage In Multiplayer?

Card advantage is a relatively common concept in Magic, but has been rarely discussed in relation to multiplayer. Adding several players to the mix makes the concept very confusing, and makes the explanations that much more boring. I promise to spice it up with lame jokes and humorous examples that should make things clear. What…

Torment? Yes, Please!

Torment, the newest expansion, is now available to purchase for fun and profit. And believe me… The fun that we as players will have with this set will no doubt reap profit for those who provide it!