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Double Or Nothing: A Trip To The Seaside

Throughout the day, I had niggling thoughts that my deck could have been better – and I’m now convinced it could have been much better – with the addition of three red cards. How did I come in 12th?

Dealing With Incombotent Players

In which The Ferrett abuses his editorial powers to tell you why Jeff Wiles’ article below – which is a fine read – is misguided. Also includes the only sports reference I will ever make. Ever.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #24: Whitewash

Fair warning: I’m writing about a FNM tourney I didn’t even win, and about a deck I don’t recommend playing. Nevertheless, this may be worth the read.

Miserables: The Gathering

The eternal question has always plagued Magic: How can we bridge the Sharks-versus-Jets gulf that lies between Les Miserables fans and Magic players? Fortunately, Daniel Crane answers it!