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Thoughts About the Demise of American Magic

Randy Buehler, Aaron Forsythe, Dave Price, Jon Finkel, and Turian, are just some of the people we’ve lost to age. Not that they’re too old to play (no one’s too old to play), but their lives have changed in a way that Magic is not as much of a priority as it was in the past. Some have used their education from college and studies to make the more consistent money I mentioned before and yet others have been singled out to work on the very game they were once so passionate for. All of this has lead to poorer results posted by U.S. players and teams. The question is whether this cycle will continue.

The Return of Ask Joe Black

I heard that Kai Budde recently stayed at your place the week before Worlds to test with you and Team Togit. How was it, testing with the best player in the world?

Blowing Up The World

So the DCI blew up the world at midnight Eastern time September 1st by splitting the Type One and Type 1.5 Banned and Restricted lists. Type One players have been clamoring for this ever since the perceived misdeed of the Earthcraft and Entomb restrictions (which has long been blamed on 1.5, though I’ve heard 1.5 players deny that it made any sense for them, either). If I recall correctly, some of the leading 1.5 players actually didn’t want a split for fear of list mismanagement, because their format is a small niche even compared to Type One. But let me explain to you here and now why this was an amazingly good decision for the DCI to make.

Selecting 9th Edition Dilemma: Glorious Anthem!

People obviously need a voice of reason for these votes because they just keep screwing things up. Since this is the last set of cards we will be voting on for another two years, I figure it’s time to recap and look at where the public went wrong this time around. Oh, and I get to beat up on Ben one last time, too. This should be fun.


Because I haven’t had a voice in a few weeks, I have this miscellany of things to say, deck ideas and so forth. Entailed in this article are decks, musings, opinions, and more — all wrapped into one neat package.

What’s The Real Story, Anyway?

Usually, I manage to get an article written at least every four months as I have related the Magic storyline to the novels that are released with each set. However, those of you who look forward to my articles to get an update on the storyline without having to purchase and read the Magic novels may have noticed that I haven’t written about The Darksteel Eye or The Fifth Dawn (the books associated with the two most recent expansions). This is not for lack of interest and only partly for lack of time. No, the absence of these articles has been for lack of content.

What’s the Build?

Let’s begin with one of the more difficult draft decks I’ve had to build in the past few weeks from MTGO. I was constantly getting good cards late, but the problem was that they were all heavy on the mana requirements and in three different colors to boot. I’m going to list all of the relevant picks in order first and then go over some of the builds I went through during deck construction after some discussion about the draft.

Blog Fanatic: My Interview With Jamie Wakefield (Part 1 of 3)

Years ago, Jamie Wakefield was the most popular Magic writer anywhere. His books still go for $100 on eBay, and and when Mike Flores pretended to be Jamie on April Fool’s Day, we were flooded with emails from disappointed fans who thought that the King of Fatties himself had returned.

Well, this is the real deal! Ben Bleiweiss has finally tracked Jamie down. Find out what Jamie has been doing for the past five years, and hear his thoughts what he thinks about Green these days! Plus, an update on the lovely Mare!

CHK It Out! He’s a Radical Rat

Today’s article is best appreciated by having Microsoft Narrator read it for you while you scan the latest Worlds coverage for Kai Budde’s name. It’ll feel like I’m in the room with you! I’m even creepier in person!