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Building Neo-Wildfire

One of my favorite decks of yore was the Wildfire deck; at a time when Urza Block made bunches of powerful cards, it was one of the dominant decks. From Covetous Dragon to Thran Dynamo, that deck was a lot of fun to play, and even more fun to master. But now that both Wildfire and Hunted Dragon will be Standard-legal in a few weeks, can we recreate that land-destroyin’ charm with a weaker card pool?

Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part VI: Multicolored Cards

Mike Flores Reviews Ravnica: City of Guilds!

StarCityGames.com is proud to have one of the hottest deckbuilders around and best Magic writers in history give you the lowdown on every card in Ravnica. There’s Gold in them thar hills! A bounty of beautiful Gold cards this pretty hasn’t been seen since the days of IPA, but which ones will make the cut in Constructed decks? Mike Flores knows…

[Black ]
[Red ]

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: The Odd Couple

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
The inspiration for this article came long before Ravnica’s spoiling, back when happy visions of Erayo, Soratami Ascendant and Dark Confidant were dancing like sugar plums in my head. O, to be young again! Is there a way to meld the chocolatey taste of Erayo with the sweet peanut butter of the Dimir Guild?

From Right Field: Trick or Treat?

Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be discussing deck skeletons that I’m assigning you to work on for States. Pick one that looks like something you can enjoy running with, and massage it. While I’ve done some preliminary testing on these, none are by any means “done.” The idea behind each is solid, but there are problems that I want us – and by “us” I mean “you” – to solve.

SCG Daily: Geeks and Girls 2

In today’s installment of Geeks and Girls, you are going to learn how to select a suitable object of affection. Before we get there, though, let’s look at how girls work. Any girl will have a set of qualities that might look something like this…

The Ongoing Adventures of the Speed Demon of Ravnica, Vol. 2: That Which Transpires Prior to the Release

Nearly 5000 words of ooey-gooey Limited goodness. This one contains thoughts and observations on every guild and reports from Martin’s experience playing the new set.

Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part V: Green Cards

Mike Flores Reviews Ravnica: City of Guilds!

StarCityGames.com is proud to have one of the hottest deckbuilders around and best Magic writers in history give you the lowdown on every card in Ravnica. Today michaelj finishes the normal colored part of the review with the one he says is the clear winner in Ravnica: Green. We all know Birds of Paradise are great, but what other Green goodies does Ravnica have in store?

[Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part I: White Cards]
[Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part II: Blue Cards]
[Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part III: Black Cards]
[Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part IV: Red Cards]

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Swinging with Selesnyans – A Primary Glance at the Green/White Guild

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Welcome to Guild Week in the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge! This week each of our contributors has designed at least one deck built partially around one of the new Ravnica guilds in order to figure out if the new gold cards can be broken or if they are only suitable for Limited play. Today Craig Stevenson starts things off with the versatile-yet-slightly-confused Selesnya Guild. Can Watchwolf and his burly pals master the art of beatdown? Will Convoke see play for States? The answer to these questions and more are only a click away.

Leading the Vanguard

For those still running old Standard for the next three weeks, Jamie talks about the final version of Joshie Green. For those who care about online formats, Jamie discusses a newfound love for Vanguard, including a tournament report. And for those who simply love to read about Jamie and the beautiful Mare, there’s an important link at the bottom of the article where you can send the couple best wishes during this extremely trying time. Get well soon, Mare.

Fundamentals: the Mulligan

The first real decision in any Magic game, after you chose whether to play or draw, is whether or not you should take a mulligan. Over the years there have been quite a few articles on the internet about taking mulligans, yet I still believe it deserves much more attention. I think that most Magic players have the habit of keeping bad or dangerous hands while they should be mulliganning instead. Every now and then someone writes, “This hand was pretty bad, but it contained lands and spells so I had to keep” or “This is a hand that you cannot mulligan, but you won’t win the game with it either”. These are very bad statements; it indicates that players are way too afraid to take a mulligan. It’s time to stop being afraid and become a better player.

SCG Daily: Geeks and Girls 1

All this week, gifted Swede Thomas Rosholm tackles fundamental skills you all want and need but the vast majority of you seem to lack. Strap yourselves in, lads… this should be a fun ride.

Ben’s Corner: Slaying The Monster

What is The Monster? For long-time followers of Ben’s Corner, this question has haunted their dreams for months. Is it a dragon? Is it a vampire? Nay, it is a million toothed cardboard beast which has inflicted ulcers upon all who gaze upon its hideous fury! Confused? Details are inside!

Also in Ben’s Corner: Feedback time! What do you want to see in future installments of Ben’s Corner? Now’s your time to have your voice heard!

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Multi-Dimensional Red

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Generally I build decks to attack the extremes of the metagame. I hate building in a vaccum and try never to have brand! new! creative ideas for fear of being attached to them, or, even worse, lying to myself about how innovative and successful my brand! new! ideas are like some deck designers. Instead, I like to build, template, and tune decks that can overcome the decks that I plan to play against in whatever tournament is coming up, anticipating their best draws and key threats, playing with the right trumps to win a war over relevance and draw quality. Today we take a break from the ongoing set review, and instead you get a Mono-Red deck that tries to adhere to these principles.

Jeff Cunningham’s “Untold Legends Of The Million Dollar Magic The Gathering Pro Tour”

Today’s edition of this amazing series only requires three measly letters to make certain that every member of the Magic community will immediately sit up and take notice.


2005 Championship Deck Challenge, Week One: Mono-Green

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Teddy Card Game’s challenge to many writers on this here fine website was to participate in the Championship Deck Challenge, some of which are easy hurdles (“Talk about Black/Green decks for Standard!”) and others of which are something more difficult. Or at least less popular, as it would seem. My mission, as I have chosen it for myself, is to take a hard look at some of the unloved archetypes that are inevitably going to have some kind of footprint on the format, be they the stomping boot of progress or the mangled road-kill of first-iteration stinkers. This week, I’ll be talking about Mono-Green, or “the color that R&D forgot.