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Seven Tips for Ruling at Magic

Tip Number Seven: Remember that you have an opponent.
Sounds nutty, but it’s true. And what that opponent can do to (or for) you is enormous. But not as enormous as those Burger King fat boy breakfast sandwiches. Saw one on a billboard and it was so terrifying that I hid my children.

More Vintage Tech with Randy Buehler

In the past, Randy has sleeved up some of the more popular control decks in Vintage, piloting Control Slaver and Meandeck Gifts in his previous victories. Considering his track record, it definitely seems like he knows what he’s doing when choosing what to run. This time, Randy decided to play a Team Meandeck design that none of you have ever seen before.
[Editor’s Note: This article would normally be premium, but keeping with the “interviews with R&D should be free” theme from the past, it has been made available to all readers.]

From Right Field: Finals

The ever-so-suave Dr. Romeo checks in this week with his final decklists from the last couple of weeks and a listing of what deck he will be running this coming weekend.

SCG Daily: Ravnica Sealed Vivisection, Day One

Eli Kaplan, resident Magic gawker in Japan, makes his leap to Featured Writer status with a stint on SCG Daily. In this series, he promises to smash you over the head with Sealed deck builds, to get you ready for Magic Online’s Ravnica prerelease.

Control Decks Week in Review and Other Stuff

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Today we hit the end of Control Week. Last year, my control deck ended up as one of the strongest decks in the States metagames and I’m going to add another saucy decklist of my own at the end of this article, but the main thing Knut wanted me to do was go over some of the other writers’ decks and give my comments and ideas on their implementation or viability.

Ben’s Corner: The 100 Most Essential Extended Commons

Ben’s Corner presents a list of the 100 most essential commons you’ll need in Extended! Find out which commons you should get your hands on in order to be most prepared for the upcoming Extended PTQ season.

Also in Ben’s Corner: Which of the four Ravnica guilds has taken a massive jump in sales and popularity? Which sets from The Monster have been tamed this week? How high have buy prices gone on our buylist? Click the article to find out!

Food for Thought: Eye of the Combo

It’s States time! There is at least one deck that can mill an opponent’s library away, or deal 100 damage – all on turn 4. That’s a God draw to be sure, but it can be done. So, is the deck worth playing? Let’s see.

Wildfire Control for Champs

Pro Tour player and Vs. System Pro Circuit Top 8 member Stuart Wright takes a break from his Extended testing to explore the age old question: Is it possible to jam Gifts Ungiven into every deck archetype imaginable? In this specific case, Stuart’s musings focus on Wildfire Control for the upcoming Standard season.

SCG Daily – R&D Secrets Vol. 1

At this point you all want to have Yawgatog’s babies anyway, so I’ll save the intro schtick and just tell you that today’s send-up of Baron Longscythe is a doozy.

Retiring The Most Underused Cards Of All Time: Volume IV

Some cards are great, but have fallen out of favor. Other cards never were in favor, but they’re still pretty darned good. Some have even been released recently but don’t seem to be getting the play that they should. What are these tragically-underused cards, and how can you use them in cool decks?

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: The Black Perspective

I plan on playing at States this year, however considering how expensive the new lands are I’m not sure if it’s even worth trying to construct a deck. My dream would be to play Battle of Wits…

You CAN Play Type I #153:

Inside the Dimir courtrooms, justice is twisted and men are manipulated like puppets on strings. The steady trickling from ever present fountains dulls all sound, but fear, not vigor, fills the air. And from the great bench, the robed magistrate rises. Wearing a fox fur hat.

The Magic Jerk: Drafting U/R in Ravnica

The Magic Jerk returns and does jerky things like drafting and stuff.


Sup? No, really… Sup?

SCG Daily – A ROFL Walkthrough

On no he didn’t! Oh yes he did! Damn girlfriend, that’s cold. Funny… but cold.