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From Zero To Hero In Under a Week: How I Lost It All On MTGO, Then Won a GP

The best player in England, one Mr Sam Gomersall, recently triumphed over all comers at Grand Prix: Hasselt. Today, we present his report, packed with tips and tricks from this acknowledged Limited maestro.

The Inevitable Guildpact Casual Critique

Talen (and special guest) take an in-depth and humorous look at Guildpact. You won’t regret reading this one…

On Savage Twister:
That is not a ‘savage’ twister. That isn’t even a bad-mannered bloody twister. That there is the My Little Pony of twisters. I mean, sure, if you can handle your opponent thinking you keep your playset in special rainbow-colored sleeves, give them little gifts and grooming sessions, and refer to them as “Majesty” and “Seaspray”…

Guildpact Limited Review Part II: Gruul

Order Guildpact Today!

Julien continues his series examining the Limited potential of the all-new Guildpact set. After yesterday’s Black and White Orzhov offerings, Julien whips out a ladle to stir up a bucket of Gruul. The Red and Green cards of Guildpact, laid bare.

[Guildpact Limited Review Part I: Orzhov]

Thinking It Through, Volume 1

Teddy Card Game returns with the first of what promises to be an informative and entertaining series. With the help of some established Pros – Mike Turian, Anton Jonsson, and winner of the recent Grand Prix: Richmond, Rich Hoaen – Ted examines a number of tricky game situations in search of the optimal play. All this plus your usual dollop of Knutson whimsy, in which Ted finally develops a decent taste in music.

From Right Field: There’s a Moon Out Tonight

Two weeks ago, as part of my mailbag piece, I threw out a Standard Goblin decklist with which I’d been having loads of fun in the Casual Decks room on Magic: The Gathering Online. By loads of fun, I mean winning more than losing and doing it with a really cheap deck. Today, I revisit this archetype, and crank out some surprisingly solid results.

SCG Daily – Ravnica Sealed Upgraded

Zac examines some of the sleeper cards of Ravnica/Guildpact Sealed Deck construction, with particular reference to cards that have increased in value now the middle set of Ravnica Block has entered the ring spoiling for a fight.

Monkey Shines: R/G Beats in the New Standard

Dave shows us the monkey with his take on a Standard Red/Green beatdown machine. He makes some interesting choices, and a few surprising omissions. Do you agree with his build? The forums are waiting…

Guildpact Limited Review Part I: Orzhov

Order Guildpact Today!

Last week, we rounded out our Constructed review of the Guildpact cards, penned by our Resident Genius Mike Flores. This week, Limited magic gets a chance to shine. Julien takes the helm, giving an in-depth review of Guildpact for Limited play. Today? The Black and White barnstormers of the Orzhov Guild.

Drafting Drakes: A Strategy Guide

Raphael takes us through the thought processes and Draft pick orders of a typical “Drake Draft,” concentrating on both triple-Ravnica and Ravnica-Ravnica-Guildpact Limited iterations. Everything you’ll ever need to know about a fresh and powerful archetype.

Battle of Wits: The Next Big Thing?

Veteran traveler and Asiaphile Eli Kaplan examines the weighty issue of 240 card decks in Standard at length, and explains his picks for the Invitational.

SCG Daily – A Pair of Pennies

Seeing as how it is the height of fashion to offer up one’s two cents on the rather sensitive issue of Wizards and lawsuits, and I am known for my militant, temperamental insensitiveness to all forms of public opinion, how could I shut my mouth?

Vote Mike Flores for the Invitational!

This week, Wizards of the Coast are holding their Resident Genius voting ballot for the 2006 Magic Invitational tournament. On the shortlist: one Mike Flores.

The Weekly Guild Build: The Rye Or The Kaiser

Instead of discussing Ravnica Limited this time, The Ferrett asks some more universal questions on the nature of Magic – like, how can you win a game when you’re there only 40% of the time? Are you getting the game that you’re giving? And why is Matt Vienneau such an angry, angry man in Round Five?

Ravnica Limited: Drafting Drakes

Raphael returns with an unusual Draft strategy that has been cutting up the floor at Premier Events and on Magic Online. Powered almost exclusively by late-pick commons and the Cards That No-One Loves, this article takes a fresh look at the guild-dominated world of Ravnica Draft, and touches on the relevant Guildpact additions that are about to be unleashed on us all…

Magical Hack: Lessons from Three Guilds

Sean delves deep into the new Limited world of Ravnica and Guilpact combined. Touching on the strengths of colors, and their synergies both in and out of Guild guidelines, this is invaluable to those hardy players heading for Grand Prix: Richmond.