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Food For Thought: Mono-White UrzaTron

I’ve just had one of those moments. This happens to me often. Particularly when a new set arrives. I wonder just exactly what the emotion is – euphoria? Elation? Wonderment? There’s an intangible something that goes off in my head, and it just exploded.

I have seen the next big thing.

Learn From The Best

Who let the pros get their hooks into Standard? Don’t they know Zoo is bad, and that control is always the best strategy in this format? I mean, what kind of craziness is it that leads to a deck that runs dudes who attack for three taking the top 8 of a format? I mean… what the hell? Who listens to the pros?

Guilty pleasure time: I do.

The Vintage Friggorid Explosion – A Report *T8*

Stephen brings us a detailed report of his recent Top 8 performance on Day 1 of the SCG P9 Richmond. With extensive information on the testing process, coupled with play-by-play roundups of each match, Stephen’s report is a must-read for anyone with an interest in Vintage Magic.

From Right Field: Code White! Code Black! — The Orzhov Preconstructed Deconstruction, Part 1

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Fresh from his precon experiment with the Gruul deck, Chris attempts the same with the Orzhov offering. Will it succeed? Will it fail? Will there be cheesecake? Read on to find out…

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Orcs Away!

Hark! Forsooth, ‘tis Tuesday, and I have returned for thy daily repast of deck. Thine eyes do shine at the mention of this holy artifice that doth so consume thy time. Thou art welcome to share mine table as we break forth new ground with yonder cards.

Gathering the Magic: How To Find Real-Life People to Play With

It’s an article on the fundamental problem of Magic: what do you do when you don’t have anyone to play with, and you want the company of real-life pals? Fortunately, Bruce has had some experience in starting up Magic groups from scratch, and he’s willing to share his expertise with you!

The Weekly Guild Build: The Ferrett’s Not In Right Now…

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!This week, The Ferrett pulls open one of those tricky pools that you don’t mind getting but you hate building, with strong cards in every color. So assuming that he doesn’t eeny-meenie-miney-moe it, how does he decide? Plus, some thoughts on mana curves, a confirmation of a Nick Eisel tip, and a request that you help Ferrett cure his vampirism!

Ghost Dad Stories – A Pro Tour: Honolulu Report, Part 2 *22nd*

Magic the Gathering Pro Tour Honolulu!

Ben Goodman (a.k.a. Ridiculous Hat) returns to complete his incredibly entertaining report from Pro Tour: Honolulu. More analysis, more insight, and more humor, from one of the pioneers of “Ghost Dad”!

[Click here to read Ghost Dad Stories – A PT: Honolulu Report, Part 1 *22nd*]

Drafting Blue in RRG

Terry entered Grand Prix Manila with a clear gameplan in mind. Beguiled by the power of the Blue cards, he drafted the color exclusively. In today’s article, he outlines his strategies for a number of Blue-based color combinations, and brings us tips and tricks for success when drafting RRG.

Are You Playing A Threat?

Have you had the pleasure of watching your Dark Confidant get hit with a Mogg Fanatic and then getting your Scrubland get destroyed by a Wasteland? Only to watch your opponent run you over with a horde of goblins that you have no way of stopping? If you are playing a deck in Legacy that plans to win with creatures, you need to ask yourself one important question – are you playing a threat?

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Time Waits for No Man

This week I decided to try an experiment for my weeklies, because I like challenges and experiments. I have my trusty d100 with me. I am going to roll, and then take the rolled number card in alphabetical order from a random expansion set. Make sense? Probably not, but let’s do it anyway.

Your Link-Happy Guide to Madison, Wisconsin

Planning to attend this weekend’s Grand Prix Madison? Adrian is here with all the information you need to ensure you have an excellent time! Useful tips on where to eat, where to drink, where to play, and where to party… all together in one article.

Firestarter: The Beautiful List-Making Struggle – Underplayed Cards in Standard

With a nod to Mark Young’s entertaining SCG Daily series, Mike compiles his list of the Top 20 Underplayed Cards in Standard. There are some surprises here… Meloku? How can the Clouded Mirror of Victory be deemed “underplayed?” Each card is examined for strengths and weaknesses, throwing up some interesting ideas for the coming Team Constructed season…

The $16,000 Lightning Helix – A PT Honolulu Report, Part 1 *2nd*

Magic the Gathering Pro Tour Honolulu!

Today, we are pleased to welcome Craig “Prof” Jones to our expanding team of Feature Writers… and what a tale he brings! Pro Tour Honolulu saw perhaps the greatest topdeck in Magic history, and Craig was the lucky benefactor. Read his entertaining take on the proceedings, plus tips and tricks on his powerful Zoo build, only at StarCityGames.com!

SCG Daily – Week of Lists, Part 5

Mark rounds out his Week of Lists with his Top 10 Magic articles of all time. Essential reading for anyone with a love of the game.