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The Road to Regionals – Laying Heavy Wood: U/G in Standard

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

When the Grand Vizier of the Metagame, Mr Ted “Cardgame” Knutson, champions a deck that feels as powerful as U/G Madness and Affinity, you’d do well to heed his words. His strong U/G build is sure to be a force in the coming Regionals tournaments. Even if you don’t run it, you’d best be prepared to face it. Attacking with monsters, removing blockers, disrupting your opponent… this deck is a contender.

Drafting Simic in RGD

Limited specialist Nick Eisel takes us through the many options presented when drafting the Simic guild in RGD. While conventional wisdom shows us that doing so leaves us with a lack of guild picks from one of the first two boosters, PT Prague proved that the Green and Blue guild delivers strength in depth. What are the cards you need to succeed? Which picks have now risen in value? All this, and more, just a click away…

The Road to Regionals – Breaking Dissension : Rakdos

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

Our Road to Regionals series continues… Today, Evan shares his successful Rakdos deck, in an article packed with card analysis and matchup data. The Red/Black guild of doom will surely have a strong showing at Regionals… are you prepared to take it down?

The Kitchen Table #131: Building Decks with Dissension

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Abe takes inspiration from the new Dissension cards, and spills forth a number of new decks. Looking for the edge in your casual game? Abe has the answer.

SCG Daily – RGD Sealed Dissected #4

I drafted Gruul/Izzet/Simic today, and it rejuvenated my soul. Playing Simic is like starring in an Herbal Essences shampoo commercial. My guys have Trample (yes!). They can jump over the other guy (Yes!). They even regenerate (Oh God, YES!).

Learning from the Pro Tour and Looking Towards Regionals

Fresh from the trenches of Pro Tour Prague, Jeroen shares some of the tricks he picked up when drafting RGD with some of the strongest players in the world. He also turns his eye toward the approaching Regionals, imparting advice on gauging your local metagame, and sharing some tips on focusing your deckbuilding process!

Penetrating Tony Danza: A PTQ Report

The incomparable JFR took his latest baby – Nearly Mono Black in Standard – to a Team PTQ, in an attempt to qualify for Charleston. The deck performed well… but not in the way you’d expect. A report full of wit, invention, and the odd play-tip thrown in for good measure. Did Rizzo and pals take home the bacon? Can Nearly Mono Black make a splash at the approaching Regionals tournaments? The answers lie within…

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #14

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

It’s Wednesday, it’s Magic Online… it’s blisterguy! The MODO Minsrtrel returns with more Top 8 statistics, more chase rare price guides, and a look at the Dissension cards to trade for when the new set hits our Electronic Game…

SCG Daily – RGD Sealed Dissected #3

I like the flavor of the Dissension guilds. They saved the best for last. Normally, White/Blue is as squeaky-clean and good as a bunch of unreformed paladins. Lawful neutral to the core, and light on the good. It’s nice to know that Wizards openly acknowledges the color combination as being obnoxious. Rakdos killers may not be good neighbors, but at least they’re sociable and throw the best parties.

Sealed Revealed 5: RGD Cardpool #1

The next Sealed PTQ season is just around the corner… it’s time to pull our socks up and delve deep into the colorful horror of Ravnica Block Sealed Deck! Today, Craig presents the first of a new Sealed Revealed series, investigating the highs and lows of a select seventy-five. All the guilds are now available, leading to a plethora of tricky decisions. It’s a fiendish build, no doubt… what would you do?

The Road to Regionals – The Beautiful Struggle: Inside the Rakdos Studio

Magic the Gathering Regionals! Regionals are approaching fast… are you prepared? If not, then let Mark introduce you to his Rakdos Hellbent deck! Dissension brought us many powerful, aggressive cards, with the Rakdos guild teaching us that our hand is a resource just like any other: a resource which can be spent. As the Standard metagame takes a metaphorical shape, our “Road to Regionals” series will spread the tech that’ll keep you all one step ahead of the opposition!

From Right Field: The Secret (Force) Weapon – Mono-Green for Regionals

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Chris shares his latest creation… a deck that’s been bringing him success for the past few months. In a world of guild alignment and multi-color mayhem, can a mono-colored deck really cut the proverbial mustard? Read on to find out…

Food For Thought: Simic Serow – UG for Standard

You’ve spent last few months slaving over the intricacies of this game we call Magic. You’ve been building delicious-looking decks all on your lonesome and, then, when said decks crumple up before Heartbeat, that Heeziest of streets, or — God forbid — both, you’ve been forced to mix them into the fruity filling of that humble pie you’re working on. I know how it is. Trust me, I’ve been there.

SCG Daily – RGD Sealed Dissected #2

In every Sealed pool, there is one true build. One that, taking out the issue of play style preference, is the best. Remeber, there’s always a right play and a wrong play. The optimal play is not always the one you expect it to be… but there is always a right play and a wrong play. (In the case of Sealed builds, there are many, many, many wrong plays.) That’s what this series hopes to illustrate.

The Weekly Guild Build: Fill The Air

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!At the prerelease, it all came down to fliers — lots of fliers, or lots of flier defense. Considering that this weekend had the release tournaments with two packs of juicy Dissension, I was not expecting that to change much.