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The Road to Regionals – Breaking Dissension: Hardcore Azorius

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

Evan continues his look at the Azorius guild, with special consideration given to the control variants coming for the Regionals metagame. Two Blue/White decklists are presented for your examination… plus a successful Rakdos build that’s been performing well in testing.

SCG Daily – Casual Dissension Review Part 3

Talen and Fox continue their humorous look at the Dissension cards for casual play, with special mention of their artistic stylings. Today, they tackle the Rakdos and Red cards.

The Road to Regionals — The Meta, and Reverse-Engineering U/W Control

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

In today’s installment of our Road to Regionals series, Nathan takes a look at the evolving metagame, giving us a rundown of the decks to beat complete with the pros and cons of each. On top of this, he presents an interesting Blue/White control build that may be the key to success in the traditionally aggro-dominated Regionals tournaments. If you like your Magic games to progress past turn 6, then it could be the deck for you…

Drafting With Dissension – Examining My Pro Tour

RGD Lessons from Pro Tour: Prague!

Tiago went into Pro Tour: Prague with a few RGD Drafts under his belt. His performance didn’t see him make the Top 8, but his two Pro Tour drafts (and subsequent Limited play since) helped him formulate some strong ideas on how to achieve success in this guild-based Limited minefield. Today, he shares his thoughts and ideas on maximizing your draft strategy, and gives us a run-down of his choices and thought processes while playing at the Big Show!

The Road to Regionals – From Right Field: Chucky’s Cheese, or The Story of a Very Non-Budget Deck

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Chris brings us a fine-looking G/B deck for the upcoming Regionals. Still unsure on what to play this coming weekend? Are you a fan of the Green and Black spells? Maybe this is the deck to take it all. Plus, there’s a bonus section: Dr. Romeo’s Guide to Enjoying Regionals or Any Other Big Tournament.

SCG Daily – Casual Dissension Review Part 2

When we last left our intrepid heroes, they were tangling with the Blue-and-White of the Azorius guild, with a handful of Simic refugees sneaking in. I figured I’d spare you all a wrathful analysis of the reaction to the Azorius Guild. I will summarize for those who are really interested:

“You could give people a chocolate-coated Pernicious Deed which dispensed free-thinking and exceptionally available Swedish Lingerie models, and they would still complain about the activation cost.”

The Weekly Guild Build: Surviving Until MODO Arrives

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!The Ferrett struggles with – gasp – real life Magic as he awaits the release of MODO Dissension so he can crawl back into his cool, fluorescent-lit cave. And in doing so, he opens up a pack of cards that provide, as is depressingly usual, a host of options to play with but no strong singular theme….

The Road to Regionals – Control the Game: U/B Jushi

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

Today’s Road to Regionals article sees Stuart Wright disect a strong, counter-packed U/B Jushi Control deck. With the post-Dissension metagame slowly taking shape, does the card-drawing and countermagic power of this archetype pack a punch? With success in both the Team Standard metagame and the MTGO 8-man queues, is Dissension kind to this deck? Click here to find out more…

The Road to Regionals – Battle of Wits

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

Steve tackles everyone’s favorite 230+ card deck… Battle of Wits! Will this cardboard behemoth cut a swathe through the unprepared at the coming Regionals? Steve thinks it might…

SCG Daily – Casual Dissension Review Part 1

Ah, set reviews! The article you write when you’re not writing an article! The structure is already laid out before you, and all you need to do is find a hundred and seventy-five ways of saying “Could be good in limited.” Better still, most set reviews are nauseatingly long (and, when you’re not Rizzo, most dailies are by definition short), which means that splitting it into five pieces is a saucy little way to rip through the set without getting everyone thoroughly fed up on the matter.

The Road to Regionals – Heartbeat: The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

We’re counting down to Regionals… Today, Rogier Maaten takes a look at the every-popular Heartbeat combo deck, updating it with additions from Dissension. How does one go about improving a sleek combo machine such as this? More importantly, what tools are now available to keep Heartbeat on top of the pile in the evolving metagame? Click here to find out…

The Road to Regionals – Investigating Azorius: U/W Beatdown

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

In the fourth of today’s Regionals articles, Steve investigates the intricacies of the Blue/White Azorius guild, with particular reference to their beatdown ability. We all know Rakdos offers the aggressive mage an outlet for violence… can the Azorius offer similar power by taking to the air?

The Road to Regionals – Magical Hack: Canoodling With Standard

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

In today’s Regionals-themed edition of Magical Hack, Sean presents five decklists that showcase a number of different ideas. Some are excellent contenders, and all invite discussion and debate as the metagame slowly begins to take shape…

SCG Daily – RGD Sealed Dissected #5: Parting Shot

In the final edition of this excellent Daily series, Eli brings a hot card pool to the table. He discusses his build and evaluates cards, as usual… plus he questions the sexuality of a certain Dimir Lobotomist. A fine article to round out an enlightening week.

The Sting

The Tuesday before Dissension went on sale, a friend of mine told me that she bought a Fat Pack at Meijer. Naturally, hearing that the set was on sale early, I thought what anybody would think: “Oh, sweet. Here’s my chance to do a little consumer advocacy!”

Yes, that’s right… I decided to bust them.