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A Grand Prix Toronto Report – Introduction and Trial *T32*

Yes folks, it’s true… Geordie is back! Lured into our addictive game by a nearby Grand Prix, Sarnia’s finest returns to the pages of StarCityGames.com with an epic tale of Magical mayhem. With Jeff Cunningham recently raising the bar in the Tournament Report arena, Geordie straightens his back and squares up to the challenge. This is an excellent reintroduction to the works of Mr. Tait, and promises to be a wonderful series.

SCG Daily – (Dis)Organized Play Part 1: What Happened to Regionals Attendance?

Welcome to my latest series of daily articles on StarCityGames.com. The first two articles this week will focus on some problems that Wizards of the Coast have had with recent events scheduling (or lack thereof). Wednesday will address an interesting theoretical problem, Thursday will appeal to casual players, and Friday will blow your mind away.

Magical Hack: Practicing Sealed Deck

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

Sean builds on last week’s Grand Prix analysis article, and questions the “proof” that values power over consistency in RGD Sealed. He presents a tasty RGD cardpool crammed with multicolor goodness… though his final card choices may seem surprising.

Ravnica Block Constructed: The R/G vs. G/W Matchup 1

Pro Tour Charleston kicks off today, and teams of eager players prepare to slam their Ravnica Block decks head-to-head against all comers. Today, Mike Flores and Steve Sadin share their testing results and decklists for the popular R/G Aggro archetype, and a G/W Glare deck that routinely wins on the back of Three Stupid Elephants. These articles break the back of this matchup, and are perfect preparation for the weekend ahead!

Exploring RBC: Control

Josh rounds off his excellent series on Ravnica Block Constructed by examining some possible Control builds. Firemane Angel, Savage Twister Control, and the ever-popular Niv-Mizzet get their five minutes of fame… combine this with a look at some of the possible sideboard options against the promised and expected strategies.

SCG P9: Rochester Report *Top 4*

Stephen took the powerful Grim Long deck to the SCG Power 9 events in Rochester, and came away with a Sunday Top 8 performance. His report examines the strengths and weaknesses of both his deck and his playskill over the two days, and shares a massive amount of matchup and scenario data. In July, the next SCG Power 9 events are being held at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC… is Grim Long the deck for you?

Selecting 10th Edition – Earthquake!

Yes folks, it’s that time again… 10th Edition looms large on the horizon, and it’s time to cast your votes for the marquee cards to be included in the Next Base Set! Today’s dilemma is a seemingly simple one… Earthquake or Hurricane? Teddy Card Game votes for the Old Red Standby…

Selecting 10th Edition – Hurricane!

Ben, on the other hand, is voting for Hurricane. In his own words…

Blah Blah Blah Ted Knutson lies blah blah blah Hurricane blah blah blah Aaron Forsythe blah blah blah Selecting 10th Edition blah blah blah read this article or I’ll kneecap you.

Ravnica Block Constructed: The R/G vs. G/W Matchup 2

In a complementary article to Mike Flores, Steve looks at the G/W versus R/G matchup from the Gruul perspective. While the results were the same, and the strength of the Elephants was paramount, the R/G beatdown staple is one deck that can simply destroy anything. Block Constructed promises to be a fun and varied format… but when the dust settles, with the beatdown machine remain triumphant?

The Idiot’s Guide to Team Ravnica Block

The Pro Tour hits Charleston this weekend. The format? Team Ravnica Block Constructed. Online, the Ravnica Block Constructed metagame consists largely of BGW Control variants… but in team, those cards will be spread pretty thin. Mike examines the cards and archetypes that’ll make waves in the team format, and while such stalwarts as Loxodon Hierarch are a given, is Simic Sky Swallower really overrated? This is a must-read article for those doing battle this weekend!

Drafting Two Colors in RGD

While conventional wisdom tells us that a three-color deck is the RGD Draft path of choice, there is merit in ignoring such advice. Nick believes that utilizing a two-color strategy, while sacrificing power, can reap considerable benefits in tempo and consistancy. He breaks down two of the more successful two-color archetypes, providing pick choices and sample decklists, and does so without touching a drop of Blue mana!

Sullivan Library: The Fun-Zees

Magic is fun. For most of us, fun is what got us into the game, no matter where we may have gone from there. There are a lot of old-school pros that have dropped the game over the years. They had lost the joy of the game, and had started looking at their Expected Values on Pro-Tour preparation and the return for time spent on playtesting, and they moved over to poker where they could expect it to be “worth” it. One funny thing, though. Magic is fun, even if they stopped having so much fun with it. These old pros keep showing up again and again, not treating it like a job, but instead just realizing and remembering what a good time it can be.

The Kitchen Table #136: Miscellany

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Today, I have several topics to explore. None are sufficient for an article of their very own, so I am combining them to create a miscellany; a nice tableau of article-ettes. Therefore, without further ado, let’s head into the bite-sized article nuggets.

Pit Skulkin’ It — A Grand Prix and PTQ Report

Steve tells of his torrid time at Grand Prix Toronto, and his more profitable performance at a subsequent Pro Tour Qualifier. Plus, he shares an intriguing draft strategy that values Skarrgan Pit-Skulk above all else. Confused? Then read on…

Perfecting Your Picks

Jeroen returns for his usual Wednesday column, answering questions from tournament players and casual spellslingers across the globe. Today sees the Dutchman tackle the subject of Draft picks. What are the cards you should be seeing in picks five through eight? How do you maximize your splash mana? And which pro player has the worst taste in music? All this, and more, available with a simple click of the mouse…