
AuthorTed Knutson

Ted Knutson is the former Managing Editor of StarCityGames.com and is widely respected as one of the most knowledgable members of the Magic community.

What “Reims” With Absent?

After decks that were predominantly Red featured so strongly in the last Grand Prix Top 8 at Reims, you would expect Red to make a strong return engagement in New Orleans – especially as the folks with three byes stepped into the fray. So where did Sligh go to?

Mixed Knuts: A Dope Beat To Step To, Part II – Michael Jackson’s Old Nose

Michael Jackson’s Old Nose is a deck that I have played a lot since States, and I feel that it is fully Tier 1 in the environment. However, it is also more difficult to play than I originally anticipated, as the environment and the deck have evolved a bit since OBC season. Also, Ted’s wife takes a stab at writing, and the usual array of links to pics of hot chicks!

Mixed Knuts: A Dope Beat To Step To, Part I

I’m a bit gushy about the format, so you’ll forgive me if I say that I am completely impressed with how well Ons-Ons-Ons draft plays, particularly when it’s only the first set in the block. Instead of gushing [porn link deleted], what may help you out are three tidbits that I’ve learned over the last six weeks that turned me from a total scrub to someone who breaks even online with consistency. Also, I made some outrageous States predictions: How accurate was I? The answers may surprise you.

Mixed kNuts: High States Poker

For the last four weeks, I have been stuffing myself with States information, and now I’ve reached my limit. I can’t hold any more tech; therefore, I’m going to turn purge mode: on and spew forth everything that I’ve learned in the last four weeks. Plus, some strange Finnish guy called”Tomi” emailed me to tell me what changes he’d be making to his Punisher build in light of Pyroclasms. But man, can you really listen to a guy who came in a paltry second place at the Invitational?

Mixed Knuts: Get Yer States On

The question everybody wants to know right now, though, is what are you packin’ this time? You’ve got a tough job ahead of you, I’ll tell you – because you’re losing a lot of power from the Invasion Block and not getting much back from Onslaught. That leaves many thinking the top decks might just be Standardized Odyssey Block decks.

The Grand Experiment: Playing Baked In The Bean Bracket

“I wonder,” said The Ferrett, ruminating on the uncanny amount of potheads who play Magic,”Whether playing stoned makes it easier or worse. I mean, it’d be more complicated… But on the other hand, everything might fall together. Either way, it’d make a hell of a tourney report.”
I did not know what a madman Ted Knutson is.
Even though The Holy Kanoot had never smoked before, he may (or may not) have actually performed the experiment, ingesting illicit drugs that StarCity does not condone in order to see whether it helps both your play AND your astigmatism. You may not agree with what he did… But after a man makes a sacrifice like that, how can I not publish his findings?

Mixed kNuts: Dog Days of Summer

For those of you that haven’t been reading all the OBC news out there, Jordan piloted the following build to a win at Harrisburg two weeks ago. Yes, that would be a Solitary Confinement build. Yes, it did qualify somebody – and yes, I’ll give you a decklist.

Mixed kNuts: Silicon Valley

So basically, the fieldbreaks down to two clear tier 1 decks, four challengers to the title, and sundry decks that you really want to see your opponent playing. If your rogue deck can’t deal with all the builds of U/G and MBC, then you may as well put it away, because it will end up being a very long day for you at the local qualifier. So what does the field have to offer?

Mixed Knuts: File Under “B” For Bitching

When Kai Budde sits down at a table to play Magic, he’s required to have the first words of his mouth be”I must break you.” He also needs to have a hot six-foot blonde bombshell sitting next to him for all photo-ops that he refers to as”his manager.”

Mixed kNuts: The Scatological Tourney Report and Other Such Poo

I will tell a tell of woe and regret (and a little bit of fun, too) that will make you embarrassed to be reading this article – which is probably how you feel every other week as well, but I can’t even control my own feelings of inadequacy, so get some Effexor or Viagra for yours, and move on.

Mixed kNuts: kNick kNames

The”You Make The Nickname” contest is down to four entries: TK, Badger kNuts, Pimpmasta T, and Low Rider. Now VOTE, dammit! Oh, and Teddie Kneutered goes off on Geordie Tait, the Bush administration, his Godawful LD deck, and NeverWinter Nights.