Welcome To Legacy Week!

With a Legacy Grand Prix in Indianapolis and a StarCityGames.com Legacy Open in Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend, we’re releasing new Legacy articles every day this week!

Welcome to Legacy Week!

With a Legacy Grand Prix in Indianapolis and a StarCityGames.com Legacy Open in Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend, we’re releasing new Legacy articles every day this week! If you need to figure out what deck you want to play, there’s no better place to go.

Here are the articles from Legacy Week:


Zoo Updates For Indy And SCG Open: Dallas by Pat Cox

Q & A: How To Count To Ten In 2012 by Ari Lax

The “Others” Part 1 by AJ Sacher

The Three Flavors Of Maverick by Drew Levin

Burn by Patrick Sullivan

Pox by Reid Duke

Legacy and Cheesecake by Brian Kibler


Always Be Cobbling: An Elves Primer by Chris Andersen

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About U/W Stoneblade by Ben Friedman

Too Much Information by Jesse and Alix Hatfield

Eternal Europe: Joining The Dark Side by Carsten Kotter

Whether you are a fan of Legacy or have never played it before, there will be something for you. Legacy doesn’t have to be expensive, and it can be easy to get into, with the right deck. It’s also a great investment, as cards never rotate, and there are new Legacy tournaments happening all around the country almost every week on the Open Series. Try to find a local shop that hosts Legacy, or convince your tournament organizer to start.

Legacy is the favorite format of many of Magic’s top minds because of its great diversity, skill-intensive decks, and the feeling you’re doing something broken—something Wizards of the Coast will never bring back in modern-day development. There is no other format quite like it.

Hope to see you at Grand Prix Indianapolis or StarCityGames.com Open: Dallas/Fort Worth this weekend. It’s going to be a blast!