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Price Of Progress: Grand Prix – Porto Report

You win some, you lose some. This past weekend, I took a rather expensive flight to Porto, Portugal to compete in the first Grand Prix of the new season. Did I expect to win enough money at GP-Porto to cover my travel expenses? Not necessarily. Almost as important as the prize money and, of course,…


I readily confess that I have a tendency to shy away from the concrete in my articles. As a bonus, there is virtually no tangible tech. Nor strategy. Random decklists only accompany the even more random tournament reports. There are many reasons that I chose to write of our game in more abstract terms, but…

Smash Or Trash? Invasion’s Either/Or Spells

“A mechanic last seen in a goofy but fun artifact in Alliances.” – Top Deck We now know that that goofy but fun artifact was . Who would have thought that artifact would have inspired a whole cycle of cards in one of the most anticipated expansions in years? I’ve never been too fond of…

The Joshua Claytor Prerelease

May I have your attention please? Will the real Josh Claytor please stand up? I repeat. Will the real Josh Claytor please stand up? Introduction Late Friday evening, I was online visiting my MIRC channels. While talking with Omeed, a friend came online and asked me if I would like to come to the prerelease…

The Kavu Are Coming, The Kavu Are Coming: An Invasion Prerelease Report

I had been anxiously awaiting this prerelease, enough so to play a little hooky from work. (Work on a Saturday? Welcome to the computer game industry – I haven’t had a day off in two months.) The teasers over on the Sideboard have been entertaining, and I downloaded and pored over the prerelease spoilers with…

Weapons Of Mass Distraction: Beheadings, Bewilderment, and Bemusement

TWO THUMBS DOWN I’m going to start this week off with a little horror story, in the hopes that I will save even one of you from having to endure the fate I did last weekend. My wife is a Highlander fan, and as such, she was very excited about the new movie, which opened…

Why I Love Tourney Players (And Should Shut Up)

One of the problems with being a writer is that you can occasionally blow it. Because I’ve heard these phrases time and time again: "Guy wouldn’t let me take back a move. Jerk." "He brought some dumb deck he copied off the ‘net to what WOULD have been a fun tourney and whipped the heck…

DCI, Ban Congregate In Multiplayer!

My, how I wish it was true. is amazing in multiplayer, really amazing – especially when one deck is pumping out two or three saproling tokens a turn. Hang on – I’m writing about multiplayer! Where’s the strategy? Where’s the Type II deck lists and history? Where’s a few choice words on Invasion? Team PhatBeats…

The Top 20 Reasons I Didn’t Attend A PTQ This Weekend

20. There was no Friggin’ PTQ, damnit! 19. My Universal Net Deck wasn’t ready. 18. Someone had to beat about the head, neck, chest, and breast with discarded Invasion deckboxes at the Prerelease, right? 17. I was answering fan mail. 16. I was hacking computer and inserting random nasty words into every article in his…

Casual Fridays #58: Muggles, Olive Trees, And Estrogen. Oh, And Braintree

Readers from early this year will recall one of my later columns on the Dojo, a piece on New Year’s Resolutions. One of those resolutions was to do more recreational reading. I am happy to report that, while many of my other resolutions have crashed and burned over the past eight months, my determination to…

Understanding Context

As far as revelations go, this one is a real kick in the jimmies: Tomorrow is the Invasion Prerelease. Surely the bulk of you realised this before I did. Unlike the more conscientious web-columnists out there, I’ve been trying to perform sophisticated origami on my school timetable in hopes of reorganisation instead of keeping abreast…

Towards More Picturesque Speech

SECTION ONE: A PAIN IN THE GRAVITAS My yielding peaches: It takes but a little effort on one’s own part to elevate any sport or pastime into something more weighty and intellectual — the costumes or uniforms one may wear, the equipment one utilises, the toiletry products one liberally applies and, most important of all:…

Rethinking The Grand Experiment

Prelude: Let’s just say the response from The Grand Experiment was an eye opener. For the heck of it, because it’s actually true, let’s also say that the more "inspired" responses were from people who wholeheartedly did not agree with the scope of the article. Furthermore, we can say that the resulting dialogues were respectful…

Mr. Green Themes Looks At Invasion

Ah, Invasion! This marks my favorite time of year. This time last year I looked forward to Mercadian Masques and what cool new cards to add to my green deck. , , … all made it into the deck I eventually won States with. Now, with States right around the corner again, what sweet fruit…

The Casual Player’s Guide To Surviving The Prerelease

If this is your first prerelease tournament, then this is the article for you. Sealed deck play can be tricky if you’re a casual player or not used to the environment – reading this article (and the ancillary reading) will ensure that you don’t embarrass yourself. Now let’s get one thing straight. I am not…