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The Dead Thread

The entire Featured Writer staff of Star City weighs in on last week’s article. WARNING: More issues-per-square-inch than any other Rizzo article, ever.

Machinegun Rantings

Well, I haven’t been truly inspired to write anything of late, but so many columns out there have either touched me or irked me that I feel I must surface from the depths of indifference and bother the Ferrett…one more time. (Trust me, it ain’t a bother, it’s a pleasure — , connoisseur of fine…

Worst Expansion Ever?: A Planescape Prerelease Report

I was very much looking forward to this tournament, being on a serious tournament jones lately… As those who have followed my Magic musings know, I am horribly overworked and underpaid and haven’t been able to attend many tournaments as I would like. In fact, it had been over a month since I’d played in…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #75: A Writer’s Contract With The Reader

Since I am about to undertake a massive amount of Magic-related writing (PT: LA reports, Multiplayer Invitational musings, Planeshift haiku, etc.), I feel perfectly comfortable using this week’s Casual Fridays to talk about something beyond the game itself. I hope both casual and professional players interested in Magic writing will take a bit of time…