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1800 or Bust!: Watching Worlds

There’s something about Worlds or a Pro Tour that grabs me. Why do I spend my weekends frantically updating The Sideboard every ten minutes?


The fact that someone cheated and got caught is not the heartbreak; the heartbreak is that Dave could have done extremely well for himself as a DCI representative.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #98: Hall Of Fame 4.0, Fourth Floor: The Map Room And Treasury

The updated Multiplayer Card Hall of Fame finishes with its best assets: Lands and gold.

Who I’m Voting For At The Invitational

It’s time for the”This is the only article I will write this year, so give me your vote for the Invitational” articles to appear ad infinitum. Here’s an idea: Don’t be swayed.

Where Are The Creatures?: A 5 Color Strategy Guide

Two hundred and fifty cards. Thirty-five creatures. How the heck do you expect to win with this sort of ratio? Well, mostly you use blue.

Price of Progress: Worlds, PTQs, And Other Stuff

David discusses his experience at Worlds and the state of internet articles today. Oh, and although he won’t say it, we will: VOTE FOR THE KING OF BEATDOWN IN THE INVITATIONAL!

Apparently, We Were Invited To A Dragon Party: The Four Dragons At Nationals

So it’s Sunday evening and we’ve just finished making dinner and I ask Alice,”Anything on TV tonight?” “Um, only <insert random bad movie here> and some movie called Rounders.” “?” I say.”I’ve heard of that, that’s apparently very good.” “Well,” she says,”I think I’m gonna read in bed.” Woot – Rounders for me then. Maaaaaaan,…

Mised Pluckings Of A Solid Weekend (With Sideways Men to Boot!)

A trip to a different store (NOT Our Beloved StarCity) yields an entirely new experience…

Jigger Wieners, Worlds, and Friggin’ Green Redux

The last time Rizzo’s wife and eggs went on vaca, we got”Searching For Wakefield.” Now we get this. It’s a tad randomer, don’tcha think?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #11A: A Tail of Two Cons, Part 1 – Extended

Peter redesigns David Zadok Stroud’s”Carpe Noctum” deck, defends net decks, and talks about how it did at the tourney. Wow, he can play for real and not just casual?

Mmm, Crow!

All right, all right; U/G/R has ONE good deck. But I’ll eat my hat and coat if I see any U/G/R decks in the Top 8 at Denver.

A Short History of July

It’s sort of strategy, sort of not; discussions on bathroom breaks and game losses, and Cooked Goose – the new”fun” IBC blue-beater.

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 7: Gdel, Escher, Bach

Good god, perhaps one of the best multiplayer articles ever written! So what if the deck costs a couple hundred dollars? Just read this!

Lords of Atlantis: What is Collusion?

The word of the day is Collusion. Say it with me, now – Collusion. What does it mean and what do you do?

CASUAL FRIDAYS #97: Hall Of Fame 4.0, Third Floor: The Forge

An Earthquake ripples through the Top 25 as the best multiplayer red cards shift and change…