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Blatant Space Filler

Tony reads off the winners to his contest, tells an obscene joke, and rhymes some mad poetry wid hiz fanz.

Blatant Space Filler

Tony reads off the winners to his contest, tells an obscene joke, and rhymes some mad poetry wid hiz fanz.

Why Won’t You Help Me Create A Deck For The Invitational? What’s The Matter? Chicken? (Warning: Prizes Offered)

When put out the call for theme decks, I immediately thought chickens. Maybe you thought Goblins, angels, merfolk, elves or thallids… But I thought chickens. Those of you who read”The Casual Report: Week 2″ are probably not surprised. MaRo specifically stated that only one deck per theme will be available, so seventeen different theme decks…

How EDT Told Me To Play Domain

Indirectly, of course; I’ve never actually talked to EDT in person. Well I’ve chatted with him on IRC, but that was mostly about bouncing and Deeding Agendas. I tried to convince him of the virtues of , but he, in his own words,”Refused to play with bad cards.” He suggested, “That card that depends on…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #100!: Commemorating Fridays

Anthony finally hits his centennial! When you turn 100, will you talk this much? Will your spouse?

Fifty-Nine Cards And Contemplating Cameron: PTQ – NO

Ever wonder what it would be like if Rizzo did match coverage for the Sideboard? Well, you got that here. But with less swearing.

Lords of Atlantis: My Grand Prix Trial Experience!

I wanted the byes. I wanted them more than any person in that room. I was fighting like a rat against a lion.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #11B: The End of a Tail of Two Cons – Type 1.

In this part, I’ll talk about the doubles tourney, the Type 1 tourney and – I suppose – I should report on my triumph at the Amateur Championships.

Is Summer Really Almost Over?

A first look at some of the Odyssey cards, and why the Invitational may leave the Pro Tour empty.

1800 or Bust!: IBC? Don’t give me IBC!

All in all I hate Invasion block constructed, and it’s Apocalypse that’s done it.

You Can Make a Difference In the Life of the 11 Year Old Little Girl That Daddy Jim Left Behind… Read On…

In loving memory of James”Daddy Jim” Bailey Sr., will help organize the first ever Daddy Jim’s Magic Auction. It will take place at the Odyssey Prerelease in Raleigh/Durham, NC on September 22nd. While we at Star City will be donating a lot of cards to this auction, players are also asked to help out by…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #99: The Five-Color Article

Five topics, five moods, one sanity-challenged author.


The man is back with the answers to his ten-question quiz – could YOU be a judge?

Price of Progress: Grand Prix Denver and the Road to New Orleans

And the King of Qualifiers talks about his 8th place – whoops, 9th place, and isn’t THAT totally unfair? – finish, and how he came to play the deck he went with.

The Phantom Of The (Phyrexian) Arena

Who’s the biggest, baddest guy around? Daniel wants to know, and he’s willing to pony up some cards to find out…