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Green/White In Post-Judgment Standard: To Suck Or Not To Suck?

With the influx of powerful new white and green cards in Judgment, the question of the day becomes: Will W/G be any good in Standard?

C-3 and OBC

Bennie attended the Central Championships – the ccgprime.com-sponsored Midwest tournament where Type 2 and OBC met head-to-head. So how did Bennie do?

My Limited Experience

“You’re smart, though. You learn fast. How hard could attending your first tournament three days after you learned to play be?” “That brings me to my problem, Jack.” “What’s that?””It turns out I suck.”

Wacky Wednesdays #22: Infernal Drinks

As usual, win $5 in StarCity credit for your craziest multiplayer story! On the table this week: Brandy-fueled Necratog shenanigans!

8 in 10: You CAN’T Write Infinite Articles On Type 1

We didn’t think he could do it… And by God, he couldn’t, only managing to produce a paltry eight daily articles before collapsing in a heap of body fluids. Still, he manages to pound out a tourney report that lovingly takes Oscar Tan and bends him over his knee.

Five in Five: Friday Night Magic And Creative Civil Disobedience

For the seventh day in a row, this maniac is submitting amusing reports mixed in with Type 2 information. How long CAN he keep it up? In the meantime, enjoy some thoughts on Kibler’s RUG and why it’s okay to take a whiz on a statue of Canadian prime minister John Diefenbaker.

Why Threshold Is The Weakest Link

U/G or U/G/x decks that are overly focused on threshold seem to be prone to falling into card disadvantage traps, spending their effort to get to threshold at the cost of a positive beatdown position.

You CAN Play Type I #40: The Control Player’s Bible, Part XX – Head To Head With Zoo

Is it a dead archetype now? Oscar braves the wilds of the Zoo to find out, and throws a little misin’ love in Mikey P’s way.

Mixed kNuts: Calm Like a Bong*, **, ***

A first in Magic-writing history! The Knutster discusses marijuana, Magic’s connection with the evil drug, and whether R&D were smoking it when they printed Quiet Speculation. Are you a pothead? Could be.

Judgment All-Stars: The Lands

He claims he’s like the Energizer Bunny of Magic writing – pink, obnoxious, and sporting no obvious genitalia. Now me, I’m just curious to see how long he can keep pushing out these”article-a-day” essays before he cracks.

Jilted John

Following the events of the last few weeks (and the fantastic amount of column space dedicated to the departure of one of our communities shining stars), I have decided not to give up Magic – both as a player and as a writer.

Compulsive Victory: A CounterBurn Tournament Report

I have to warn you, though, my tournament report is long – almost definitely long-winded. But this deck is quite complex to play and describing the interactions with discarding and paying madness requires a lot of extra words in each sentence.

A Response From A Professional: The Housing Administrator Discusses Crime And Punishment

I have a Masters in Public Administration, and I have worked in this field doing both confrontations and adjudications for six years now. .. And the largest misunderstanding from those who criticize the DCI is the assumption that the DCI should follow criminal law.

Quick Thoughts On DCI Penalties And Enforcement

In real life, very good lawyers witnesses who bear allegational testimonies to pieces. It’s facts and tight reasoning that drive decisions. That, and solid arguments. Hey, I testify for a living. I know.

Five Articles In Five Days: Green Judgement All-Stars…Plus Gold Cards!

Your cards will NOT balance out, despite what the law of averages might say. Lady Luck owes you nothing, and if pressed, she will pay you nothing. Some good advice in general… And it also includes, for the first time, the GEORDIE TAIT BUILD YOUR OWN REVIEW!