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Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 12: Rhox.

Well, it turns out that last week we posted #13 and missed #12! So Stijn backtracks to discuss the prevalence of newbie Rhox players in his area and how he deals with them graciously, defeating them whilst teaching them.

The Daily Shot: That’s Me In The Spotlight – Losing My Credibility

Geordie’s back now that his new modem has arrived – and the Daily Shot continues! Today, he discusses the reasons for bringing his Alter Reality-based OBC deck to a Grand Prix Trial…

The Twin Fires: OBC and Type 2 G/R at Origins

I really wanted to make G/R work in OBC… And I disagree with The Ferrett. I think there is a way to make it work. And I went to Origins to prove myself right, and him wrong.

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

We’re devoting pretty much all of today to Type One debate… But really, I want to get back to strategy. Strategy – you know, what this site is ostensibly about? Anyway, in the decapitated-chicken flailings of many a Type One player or hater, many facts seem to go by the wayside – and I really need to address some of these from a business perspective.

OBC Musings

WonderWurm pretty much crushes everything we’ve thrown at it. It’s a beatstick and a half, and can kill by turn 5 pretty regularly. However, how it fares against the various weenie white variants has yet to be determined with a fair amount of certainly.

Mini Tourney Report: Legion Invitational

It was a strange Invitational tournament, where I got terribly luck-screwed at 5-Color and familarity-screwed by Draft… But I did get to see the future of Extended as seen by some of the top pros, my friends, and let me tell you that the future is base-blue.

The Three Steps To The Last Ten Percent, Part 1

Say Kai Budde and Jon Finkel sit down across from each other playing identical decks. Who will win? The luckier one, most likely. Now, say Kai Budde and Random Scrub sit down across from each other. Most likely, Kai’s going to win. But if Random Scrub #1 and Random Scrub #2 face off, who will win now? The one who knows psychology.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #136: Epitaphs

What do you want to be known for? And what does Magic have to do with it?

From One Crank To Another: A Response To Rich Ary

Over the years, lots of people have criticized Wizards and decided that Wizards doesn’t have a clue and makes lots of mistakes. But as someone who often complains to Wizards about policies, rules and events, I can tell you one big secret that shouldn’t be so big…

Double or Nothing: OBC? Yeah, Baby, YEAH!

Michael says that he won’t let Wizards R&D off easily. What for? Producing one of the most popular sets in the history of Magic? Hell – I don’t think I’m going to forgive them for that either.

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 13: Dwarven Patrol and Deep Spawn.

These are particularly eccentric decks. They do weird stuff, attract onlookers, make them laugh, make your opponent die smiling. People will want revenge against these decks when they lose – and they won’t mind being beaten again, because the decks are funny.

Mixed kNuts: The Scatological Tourney Report and Other Such Poo

I will tell a tell of woe and regret (and a little bit of fun, too) that will make you embarrassed to be reading this article – which is probably how you feel every other week as well, but I can’t even control my own feelings of inadequacy, so get some Effexor or Viagra for yours, and move on.

You CAN Abuse Your Power #1: Restrict My Enemy, DCI!

Writing an entire article whose underlying message is clearly ‘This card should be restricted or banned’ and then asking for the reader’s input is stuffing the ballot box.

Wacky Wednesdays #28: 57 Goblins playing Chicken!

Yes, goblins doing what they do best: Cower and hide… Only when they are sure they have superior numbers, they will attack. But sometimes just attacking isn’t enough to kill the opponent.

The Daily Shot: Five Renegade Ideas For OBC, Some Of Which May Not Suck

I’m not going to tell you about stuff like Dogged Hunter and Catalyst Stone, because everyone has heard about those and how they’re going to make an appearance at a PTQ or GPT near you. No, I’ve got five new, solid OBC Sleepers. Hang on to your hats and check out what you might have been missing. Time for G-Money’s wild ride.