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The Daily Shot: Let’s Talk About Magic, You And I

A gaming everyman’s desire to kick some ass and sleep ’till noon is eternally youthful – if anything, it grows stronger with age. I believe that if I ever become more successful at Magic, you won’t be able to shake the rest of the kids stuff out of me.

Is That Your Card?

Some thoughts on players’ uncanny attraction to terrible cards; if you want to know why everyone says your favorite card totally sucks in Format X, this is the place to learn why.

You CAN Play Type I #49: CAN Mark Rosewater Play Type I?

I e-mailed MaRo half an hour after his column was posted, and I thanked him for a sober, realistic survey of Type I issues. It wasn’t what some players wanted to read – did you really expect him to announce the venue of the next Type I Pro Tour? – but I don’t think he could have done better.

Joshua X Presents: A Week Long Adventure

Joshua X is back, and he’s here to tell you about his OBC adventures! Want to know how he did? Well, not as well as he would have liked, but he does have some new OBC decklists for ya, straight from the tourney.

Priority One

What is your priority? What do you want? What do you strive for? Whatever it is, you may be wrong. Because people do not really strive for money, fame, or recognition… They strive for the things that come from them.

What Paul Does Do

He puts the lotion in the basket… Wait, that’s not Paul. Paul comes in third at Grand Prix: New Jersey, that’s what he does, and he’ll tell you how he did it in this tourney report.

OBC: Cat Stone and Some Raw Ideas

Right before the tournament, I ended up swapping the Piannas with Lt. Kirtars in my WW/g deck… And was darn glad I did, since Kamikaze Kirtar was gobbling up Wild Mongrels all day long. I’ve also come to the conclusion that Glory is insane and that any white-based deck should run four of them.