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I’m a happy man. Why is that, you ask? Probably too many reasons to count…but here are a few.

Ask Ken, 07/06/2004

Do you think the masses are making good choices when they are choosing 9th Edition?

Examining Mono-Black Control in Mirrodin Block Constructed

Now that we have acclimated to the cards in Fifth Dawn, is there a new deck here? Besides the obvious Krark-Clan Ironworks decks, of course. What about, say, Mono-Black Control?

From Right Field: Letters. Oh, We Get Letters.

Once or twice a year, I try to answer some of my fan mail and/or death threats in a column. This serves two purposes. First, I get to share some of the answers to the more common questions that get sent my way. Second, I get another quick, cheap column. Then, everyone’s happy. Or at least, I’m happy. Really, in the end, that’s all the counts.

Ask Ken, 07/05/2004

I’ve put in a lot of time drafting this past year, and have become better at it than I’ve ever been. How likely am I to stay a good drafter when we change blocks?

A Tale of Babies, Demons and Mifflins: An Origins Report

Origins two kay four. I had skipped out on Origins last year for a few reasons, the main being that the year before it sucked mad hardcore. I opted for GenCon instead and that worked out much better. This year I decided to give the big O a shot and I was not disappointed.

April-May Type 1 Potpourri

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so I’ve been building up a collection of nifty data for you, including an analysis of the probable usefulness of Misdirection in Type I.

Mayhem at Midnight: Grinding at U.S. Nationals

After sleeping for the first half of the flight from Washington, DC to Kansas City, I finally wake up and pull out my notebook. Since the first grinder begins in about six hours, I should probably come up with my decklist. The maindeck looks pretty good, at least on paper. I haven’t actually tested it yet. But finalizing the sideboard is the hardest part. After much scribbling and scratching out, it finally looks good.

Ask Ken, 07/02/2004

Alright Ken, who is your favorite Duelist?

The Mirrodin Block Limited Review – Darksteel White and Blue

Now we take our first step into the realm of Darksteel. Let’s delve right into White, shall we?

The Black Perspective: US Nationals Report *11th*

With Nationals behind us, Skullclamp now joins the ranks of attractive women and people of average body weight as things you won’t be playing against at a Magic tournament. A few weeks ago Wizards decided to ban everyone’s favorite piece of equipment and issued this formal apology . . .

You CAN Play Type I #138 – Firing Up Fifth Dawn, Part III: Sorceries

Oscar’s continuing review of Fifth Dawn for Type 1, this time including such platinum hits as Night’s Whisper, Serum Visions, and Bleiweissian mega-bomb All Suns’ Dawn.

Magic Puzzles in Play, Vol 2 Answers

All the answers to yesterdays latest brain teasing set of play scenarios.

Ask Ken, 07/01/2004

Fear not, for I have returned!

English Nationals: Field of Broken Dreams

I played, as I have for the previous two years, at the English National Championships. I didn’t do as well as I’d hoped. Going into the event, I was ranked 12th in the country. Leaving the event, I presume I’m ranked considerably, and perhaps more realistically, lower.