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The New Legend Rule is GOOD!

I suspect that with Champions of Kamigawa, Wizards will revolutionize the way they design Legends. Being a Legend is an inherent enough drawback to warrant ramping up the power level. Not only do you run the risk of”dead” draws by drawing multiple copies of the Legend, but now the Legend is vulnerable to a unique form of removal: a copy of itself played by your opponent. With Champions, if you’re willing to run the deckbuilding risks, you can be rewarded with great power.

Notes from Grand Prix Nagoya 2004

Standard hasn’t received the same level of focus as Mirrodin Block Constructed. You can draw some conclusions from the coverage at Kuala Lumpur and Nagoya, but here’s some more detailed notes and thoughts gleaned from the floor. I make few suggestions as to how to play or build the decks here, instead just analyzing what I learned from last weekend.

Selecting 9th Edition Dilemma: Gratuitous Violence

Bleiweiss tries on a new sales pitch in his latest attempt to either get you to vote his way or drive you all criminally insane. You have to see this one to believe it!

Selecting 9th Edition Dilemma: Furnace of Rath

Furnace of Rath is the flaming engine for the pyromaniac in all of us. If you are the type of player whose fingers leave little trails of smoke behind when you sling your spells and there are scorch marks on your seat after you’ve reduced your opponent to nothing more than a pile of burning embers, the choice is obvious.

CHK It Out! Hold This While I Look for Something Nice to Say

At least it’s not a seven-mana legend! Actually, I was pretty impressed when I first saw this. At only three times the cost of Righteousness, it’s got the capacity for twenty seven and three sixteenths times the card advantage!

Blog Fanatic: Adventures in Urza Block (Part 2 of 2)

Pro Tour: New York ‘99 took place on the weekend of April 31st. The format was Urza Block Constructed, with Urza’s Saga and Urza’s Legacy being the only two sets released in the block thus far. Team Tulane had been hard at work practicing the format with the inclusion of Legacy, and we felt very confident in our abilities to win so we made a bold decision: we would fly up to New York with the sole intent of money drafting pros on the side.

Avoiding the Obvious – The Top 20 Underrated Cards in MD5 Limited

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… actual strategy, in the form of the top 20 most underrated cards in MD5 Limited. The order is based on the disparity between how good people think a card is and how good it really is.

Crucible of Worlds and You

First off, I am going to say that I don’t think that Crucible of Worlds should be restricted right now. I just want to make sure to get that out of the way nice and early. I also want to level a formal outcry against the top 8 of GenCon. That top 8 was totally illegitimate, as it did not consist of 17 Four-Color Control decks, 9 Fish decks, and 6 GroAtog decks. In all seriousness, I thought that the top 8 was great and couldn’t have asked for a better one.

It Works! Mono-Black Cloud in Type 2

Everyone wants to play with Death Cloud. I mean, just look at the card. It just screams”I Win!” Unfortunately no one has been able to make a Cloud deck work very well in the metagame, so its potential has gone unrealized… until now.

Ask Ken, The End

Ken wraps up his run on Ask Ken today.

CHK It Out! Legendary Confusion

As expected, the Champions of Kamigawa previews started off without a hitch and everybody was happy. Look at what all the satisfied people had to say!
[Bleiweiss] it’s absolutely stupid
[copernicu] legends suck
[Yawgatog] sux


Preparing for a Limited format is easy. The reason it is so easy is that, by and large, players find drafting more fun than Constructed. The more players you have enjoying the times, the more enjoyable the times will be. Testing Constructed always felt like work to me. While draft felt like a honing of skills, Constructed testing felt more like mapping. So what are the Constructed players mapping? Matchups. But there is more to Constructed than matchups. Think of decks as areas of a continent. Matchups are the paths between them. What I want to talk about today is the entire landscape.

Blog Fanatic: Adventures in Urza Block (Part 1 of 2)

The highlight of the weekend, and one of the highlights of my Magic playing career, came on the Sunday after the Pro Tour ended. We arranged a four-on-four draft between some Texan/Lousiana players versus a Pro Tour ringer team which included Jon Finkel, Brian Hacker, Hammer, and one of Brian’s regular draft partners.

From Right Field: Every Time We Say Goodbye…

Whenever a block is about to rotate out of Standard, I like to look back at some of the cards that saw little or no play but, dadburnit, it seems like they should have. Since Champions of Oompa-Loompa will be released in just over a month and will be tourney-legal in less than two months, Onslaught, Legions, and Scourge will be going the way of the dodo, the carrier pigeon, and common sense, taking with it some sadly overlooked cards.

CHK It Out! – And So It Begins

A few hours ago, I was browsing some website and I thought,”wouldn’t it be keen if someone looked at each new Champions of Kamigawa card MagicTheGathering.com rolled out on a daily basis and wrote about his or her gut reaction about that card for the entire world to read and if that person was me?”