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10 Extended Decks in 10 Days – Reanimator

Continuing our two-week long Extended blow out, today we bring you Gadiel Szleifer, “Magic’s latest teenage bad boy.” Who better to guide you through the ins and outs of Reanimator for the upcoming PTQ season than the kid who took it to the Pro Tour Top 8?

SCG Daily – Introducing Doctor Mox, The Magical Problem Physician

Doctor Mox is one of our Featured Writers in disguise. Used only for his stint on SCG Daily, Doctor Mox is designed to help players and tackle some of Magic’s great conundrums in a humorous way. Today’s problem: How to improve you game.

Legacy: The Combo Winter That Never Was

With all the broken cards available to the Legacy format, one might figure that combo decks would be dominating the young format. Not so, says Kevin Binswanger, and here he takes an in-depth look at the contenders to the Legacy Combo crown and tries to figure out why they aren’t doing quite as well as some players might have predicted.

Guess Who’s Back?

Zvi returns with an incredibly thorough fourteen-page analysis of Extended Affinity. Learn why he’s not holding back any of his tech, then check out his four updated versions of this Extended powerhouse!

Going on a Squeegee Hunt

I will admit that the whole title here is somewhat of a ruse, as I feared you wouldn’t come along if I told you what we would be stalking. It is just as elusive and much more terrifying. I am not referring to that illustrious beast, the Wumpus. No, this creature is much more maniacal, insidious, and almost impossible to catch. If I manage to snag one of these beauties, it will be the pinnacle of my career. That beast I am talking about? It is the dreaded mistake.

The Past as Prologue: Extended 2003-2004

How did the last Extended season set up what you will see this weekend at Grand Prix: Boston and your local PTQs? Peter Jahn knows, and he has the monster stack of decklists plus a tally of early-season results to prove it!

From the Editor’s Desk – Clearing the Air About StarCityGames.com Premium

Something happened on Monday that you might have heard about. Lend me your ear for a few minutes today and I’ll discuss all of this, as openly and frankly as I can. There is a lot of misinformation out there perpetrated by people who are understandably hurt and frustrated, and I want to clear up as much as I can right now.

10 Extended Decks in 10 Days – Sculpting the Perfect Hand

So much more than an article about under-represented Extended Goblins decks, Sculpting the Perfect Hand introduces the idea of breaking the rules of Standard Operating Procedure in order to reverse a locked board or break through from a nearly hopeless game position. Integrating the tools of strategic plan development over the course of a decision-ridden game, this article also synergizes the best elements of PT Columbus’s most innovative Goblin decks.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: The Deck Challenge

For the final installment of A Deck a Day, I decided to give myself a bit of a challenge. I have a box of junk rares…er…I mean low trade value rares. Today’s challenge is simple, I’ll reach into said box sight unseen and select a card at random. Whatever card I select will be the card that I’ll build today’s deck around. Sounds simple enough, right? Okay, today’s deck building challenge card is…

StarCityGames.com Premium Q&A

After this past Monday’s announcement, many members of the community contacted me privately, or posted publicly, with additional questions and concerns about our Premium service. I have spent the past few days reading every e-mail and every forum post, and will now attempt to respond to as many of your questions as I can.

10 Extended Decks in 10 Days – Objects Flung at Mirror Are Closer than they Appear

Everyone knows that Affinity won Pro Tour: Columbus, but Mike Clair says that there have been modifications to the deck that make it even faster and more explosive in Extended. This is information you absolutely must have if you expect to succeed this PTQ season.

The Betrayers of Kamigawa Limited Review – White

I’m going to separate by rarities instead of just doing one big list, since I don’t think there’s a huge amount of value in ranking the rares among each other, though I will specify if an uncommon is generally better than the rest of the commons in the color. I also want to include decklists, pick orders, and tough picks when possible to show where a certain card will be valuable, though this won’t happen until the later colors when I have more experience with the set. My point is that I don’t want this to be a usual boring series of set reviews – I plan to spice it up as much as possible.

From Right Field: Lickety Split’s A Series of Unfortunate Decks

This week Chris takes a crack at a reader request to make a competitive Standard deck for an upcoming all-commons tournament at a local store. Chirs found himself so inspired by the limitations that he created a bevy of decks for those of you on a budget to work with.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Wild Knowledge

Welcome to the penultimate article in our daily series. Today I am going to again use my own “Best Underused Cards” articles for inspiration for today’s decklist. We are going to harness the power of Wild Research in a R/U burn deck.

10 Extended Decks in 10 Days – Life Would Be a Dream?

Chad continues our Extended event today with what many have termed “the wimpiest combo deck of all time.” Is this a fair assessment of a deck that simply blows most aggro decks out of the water, or is this something you absolutely must prepare for in order to be ready for Grand Prix: Boston this weekend? Leave it to the guy from Your Move Games to help you figure it out!