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Only The Interesting Ones: The Best Saviors Cards For 5-Color

With each day bringing more and more set reviews, it’s time to focus our efforts a bit. While everybody else is saying, “Good in Limited, poor in Constructed,” for dozens of cards, we’ll actually review them for a purpose. So instead of listing every card, and then saying how much it sucks in 5-Color compared to previous cards, I’ll just skip it altogether. What you get is just the good ones.

Saviors of Kamigawa for Constructed – The Blue Cards

Today Zvi looks at the mediocre, the boring, and the uninspired of Saviors Blue, sprinkled every so often with a card that looks intriguing. Which ones are the wheat and which are the chaff? Only Mowshowitz knows…

Heezy’s Pro Tour: Philadelphia Top 8 Report, Part One

More than just a tournament report filled with tales of drunken debauchery, Herberheezy’s article today also provides a complete matchup analysis and sideboarding guide to all the decks that he faced on the way to his second Pro Tour Top 8!

Magical Hack: The Objective Best Deck in Standard

Every year one article is written that definitively sets the stage for the upcoming Regionals metagame, detailing what the field looks like, which decks are under- and over-rated, and picking the de facto king of the hill that is likely to dominate the U.S. tournaments. This year, Sean McKeown has written that article and those of you that somehow skip this article will find yourselves regretting that fact a month from now.

The Complete Guide to Mono-Green #2: Middle and Late Creatures

Adam breaks down what is sure to be one of the most popular archetypes at Regionals around the world, creature by creature and spell by spell, all in an effort to help you build the most competitive deck possible.

SCG Daily #2: Kashi-Tribe Reweaver

So, in my first day of the Grand Reweave Experiment, it should not be surprising that I submitted an absolute pile of a U/W deck based upon the combo Reweave + Yosei, the Morning Star. The only thing good about the deck was that its incredible sucktitude pointed out some important things to me I needed to learn. Today’s task is to begin to apply those lessons and come up with something a bit more competitive.

Saviors of Kamigawa for Constructed – The White Cards

Usually the third set in a block heralds the arrival of some of the most broken cards we see each year, but is Saviors of Kamigawa different? See what Zvi has to say today as he delves into Saviors White.

Weak Among the Strong: How You Win and Lose

Today Chad looks at the most important thing to pay attention to when doing playtesting. This is something that will not only make you a better player and teach you the intricacies of a matchup, but it will also make you a better deck designer as well and help you tune your decks like the Pros.

Saviors of Kamigawa Previews: Week the Second

While everyone else is busy writing up their set reviews, Andy wraps up his strategic review of the previews and tells you whether the cards MagictheGathering.com let us peak at early are winners or stinkers.

From Right Field: Could This Be Your G/R Regionals Deck?

Dr. Christopher Romeo J.D. turns a scientific eye to his most recent deck idea (G/R Anti-Jitte) and comes up with one of his most witty and entertaining articles of the year.

SCG Daily #1: You Gotta Reweave

The concept for this week will be the birthing process. No, not that kind of birthing – I’m referring to ideas here. Specifically I’m going to look at one minor piece of tech from Tsuyoshi Fujita’s recent Pro Tour Block Constructed deck and see if I can design a competitive deck around it.

The Casual Player’s Guide To Surviving The Saviors Prerelease

Sealed deck play can be tricky if you’re a casual player or not used to a Limited environment – the challenges of picking the correct cards, then building a good deck with it, then playing right with it can be overwhelming for the beginner. I can’t guarantee you a win if you’re a Limited novice… But I do guarantee you won’t be ashamed of your finish if you follow my guidelines here.

Obscure Decks From Obscure Cards

Anyone can build a deck around a power card like Survival of the Fittest… but what happens when you try to build decks around little-known cards like Invoke Prejudice and Dark Suspicions? Abe puts his deckbuilding skills to the test to dust off these oldie goldies and create a sixty-card pile that will shred the other players at your table!

Multiplayer Enchantments Week: The Winner, And Next Week’s Contest!

The "Top Three Multiplayer Enchantments" week was an interesting one (and not just because of a one-week delay when I was installing and upgrading the new Deck Database). But this week’s winner won on the strength of solid deckbuilding alone: not only did he have solid Pestilence and Death Pits of Rath decks to back up his claim, but his usage of Panoptic Mirror and Armageddon to break Island Sanctuary was a positive hoot. Thus, Dave Almansor’s Building A Better Pestilence Deck takes the $20 prize!

What’s next week’s challenge?

Emperor Multiplayer.

That’s right; everybody’s favorite six-player format finally steps to the fore at StarCityGames.com! Articles can be about either Emperor Constructed or Emperor Draft, though Constructed articles should provide a deck and what position it’s for: Flank or Emperor. (A contest-winning article, however, will provide all three decks for a unified front of terrifying power.)

Send your article in to Mail us at https://sales.starcitygames.com/contactus/contactform.php?emailid=2 and you could win $20 in our Casual Challenge!

Pod Killing

Looking for ways to destroy your evil opponents at the Prerelease? That’s exactly what Noah Weil has cooked up for you today, with a heaping helping of strategy on the new cards to help you come out ahead in both the flights and the draft pods.