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MODO Learning

I’ve now spent… must be close to a hundred hours on MODO. I just can’t imagine getting back into Magic without this tool. Without a store nearby to play in, it would be impossible. Without being able to test my deck a couple hundred times before Regionals, it would be impossible. Without being able to see what everyone else is working on and how the metagame is developing, doing well at a sanctioned event would be the equivalent of buying a Powerball ticket. And yes, I’m still working on the Elf deck – but that’s not the only deck I’m working on…

Shirei in Standard: A Case of Neither/Nor

Mr. Grydehoj takes you on a wild ride into the world of one-power creatures, where no matter what you try, the decks don’t quite end up working. That doesn’t stop them from being fascinating experiments in deckbuilding.

SCG Daily – Pimp my Precon: Heavy Hitters

I’m busily turning the 8th Edition precons into well-oiled machines, one per day. On Monday I turned Lifeboost into a steam-powered chicken plucker soaked in rancid olive oil. Yesterday I turned Expulsion into an electric pencil sharpener, dripping with the SAE 30 I drained from my tractor. Well-oiled machines indeed. Today it’s time to tackle Heavy Hitters.

A Second Gift From The Other Side Of The Ocean

A Gifts Ungiven deck that uses Goblin Charbelcher and Mana Severance, but completely removes Goblin Welders from the deck? Can that possibly be good? Our favorite Frenchie Vintage writer thinks so, and there’s a good chance that you’ll see more than a few people running it at the Vintage Megaevent in Paris this weekend!

Pro Tour: Philadelphia

Today Zvi reviews everything that happened at Philly, including his own performance at breaking down the format (one that Randy Buehler and Mike Flores said he nailed in the coverage), plus he discusses the payout structure, the surprise decks, and the two topics that had everyone at the site buzzing all weekend: The Players Hall of Fame and the Pro Tour Players Club!

The Back Door to E3 and Grand Prix: Detroit *16th*

Taking Back Sunday not only won a Pro Tour this weekend, but members of the team were posting solid results two weeks ago in Detroit as well. In today’s article, TBS member John Pelcak explains how the Online E3 tournaments helped him prepare for Detroit, and how he ended up fighting for the Top 8 after starting Day 1 with a loss and Day 2 all the way down in 63rd place.

SCG Daily – Pimp My Precon: Expulsion

I’m following in the footsteps of JMS and Chris Romeo and turning precons into powerhouse decks, at the rate of one per day. I’m also doing it on the cheap: using the precon plus whatever I get from five drafts. Given that, I’m aiming for winning half my games in some competitive format – in other words, I want the decks to have a reasonable chance.

Sealed Luck #5

The fifth installment of this very solid series seeing Martin discuss fetishes, an encounter with Tomi “Mountain Man” Walamies, power vs. consistency, and his latest PTQ adventures.

Insider Trading: Becoming a Better Trader Part II – Meet the Cast!

Successful traders know that trading Magic: the Gathering can often be just as rewarding as playing the game itself, if not moreso. Today I’m going to introduce you to the diverse cast of characters that you’re likely to encounter at a larger Magic: the Gathering event, and explain how to identify who’s who. Afterwards, our friends at Digi-Cardz.com are back with more Magic Online trading tips!

[Digi-Cardz.com – Every MTGO card in stock!]

SCG Daily – Pimp My Precon: Lifeboost

This week, I’m ripping off JMS and Chris Romeo for the tuning precons idea. Since those worthies have taken the good precons, I’m stuck with those from Eight Edition. On the plus side, I can do one per day for a whole week.

Kamigawa Block As We Know It

With the advent of the new deck database (which will be unveiled tomorrow), we can now:

  • Get the round-by-round matchup information from Wizards’ site.

  • Match each round’s results with the deck each player was piloting, showing us what deck beat what deck.

  • Come up with a full matrix, showing what each deck’s win percentage was against all other decks that each archetype faced in the entire tournament.

You wanna know what decks did well at Pro Tour: Philadelphia, and which decks underperformed? Merely click on the headline and all will be made clear.

Bad 80s Movies and Kamigawa Block Constructed

Today everyone’s favorite Kiwi takes a final look at the decks you are likely to see at this weekend’s Pro Tour, explains why paying attention to them can help you go infinite on MODO, and generally says a lot of blisterguy-ee type things. In short, it’s brilliant!